First-year law students experienced a day in the life of a legal professional as part of the TC Beirne School of Law’s annual welcome and orientation week events.
Students visited the Supreme Court of Queensland, observed a trial in action, and met barristers and judges including The Honourable Justice Roger Derrington (Federal Court), The Honourable Justice Peter Applegarth (Supreme Court) and The Honourable Justice Glenn Martin AM (Supreme Court).

Industry representatives from the Queensland Law Society and The College of Law Queensland, as well as solicitors from various law firms in Brisbane city, answered students’ questions about the profession and provided helpful career tips.
First-year Bachelor of Economics/Laws student Elliot Perkins said visiting the Supreme Court was an eye-opening experience.
“It was really beneficial to see the professionals in their field. They were really able to answer a lot of the burning questions we had,” he said.
“For a lot of us this was the first opportunity we had to really gain any exposure to the legal field, so I think it was really exciting to meet the legal professionals, to engage with them, and have them answer the questions that we've had for so long.”
Throughout the past two weeks, first-year students have enjoyed a range of welcome events to gain an introduction to studying law, and meet other law students and staff including an informal gelato night in the Forgan Smith building.

Head of School Professor Fiona Rohde said the first-year events were a great way for students to familiarise themselves with their new learning environment and to build friendships with fellow classmates.
“Our aim is to make the transition for students from high school to law school a fun and supportive experience, while equipping students with the strategies and knowledge they need to help them succeed in law,” she said.
“We have dedicated activities, student society representatives and TCB Wellness resources for first years to support them from the very start of their legal studies right through to when they graduate and begin their professional careers.”
Events for new law students:
Monday 12 February: Students attended a welcome event covering key information that first years need to know, followed by pizza with student society executives and teaching staff in the Alumni Court.
Tuesday 13 February: Students visited the Supreme Court of Queensland. Students heard from judges and barristers, and the Director of Public Prosecutions, before viewing a court proceeding, and visiting a judge’s chambers. Hear what students had to say about their experience:
Supreme Court Visit for First Year Law Students - 2018 from UQ BEL Faculty on Vimeo.
Tuesday 13 February: New postgraduate students were welcomed at a cocktail reception. View photos on the Flickr gallery.
Wednesday 14 February: UQ Market Day – the four law student societies – UQLS, JATL, ALPSA and UQILS met potential new members.
Thursday 15 February: The recipients of the LEAD scholarship met each other and their academic advisers for the first time.
Thursday 22 February: Gelato welcome event – students joined academic and professional staff for a gelato in the iconic Forgan Smith Building.
View more O-Week photos on the Flickr gallery.
Media: Caroline Enright, TC Beirne School of Law Communications,, +61 3365 2596