Partner with us
Research with impact
Finding solutions to the issues important to you and your organisation often requires an understanding of the law and the ability to influence law-making.
Together, with the expertise of our researchers, we can address a wide range of social, economic and environmental challenges – from local Queensland issues to complex global problems.
We work collaboratively with all kinds of entities, including government agencies, businesses, and not-for-profit organisations to engage critically with developments in the law. From government policy submissions that bring about societal change and law reform, to providing research-led training that builds capacity in your organisation or community, we can co-design solutions to achieve your objectives.
The University of Queensland Law School is nationally and internationally recognised for the quality and impact of its research. Our expertise spans a wide range of legal areas, including criminal justice, national security and defence, intellectual property, corporate governance, marine environment, and shipping. No matter the challenge you’re facing, we’re here to help.
Why partner with us?
World-ranking legal and cross-cultural expertise
Leading-edge talent
High-achieving students for projects and placements
Comprehensive law library and education and training facilities
Influence on law, legal policy and practice for the public good
Ways we can collaborate with you
Research collaboration
Engage UQ law academics to apply their knowledge and expertise to address the needs of your organisation, government department or community. Our academics will work with you to translate research findings into shared knowledge and tangible outcomes. You can collaborate with us in the following ways:
- Join forces with UQ Law School academics to make an informed contribution to policy and law reform at a state, national or international level. Our researchers frequently collaborate with and make submissions to government departments and agencies such as the Australian Law Reform Commission, the Department of Defence, and the UN’s International Labour Organisation.
- Work with UQ law academics to propose legal responses to complex social challenges, such as protecting press freedom or mitigating youth injustice.
- Partner with UQ law academics on research grants and development funding, such as Australian Research Council Linkage Project Grants, and share knowledge and skills to help transform your organisation, industry or society.
- Commission UQ law academics to conduct research on your behalf under a private contract and provide independent advice on the challenges you face.
- Sponsor a UQ Law School research chair, PhD scholarship, research facility and infrastructure project, or stakeholder engagement and outreach event.
Student placements and projects
Establish a student placement or project and access our brightest higher degree by research (HDR) and undergrad students who are supervised by our world-leading academics. You’ll have the opportunity to gain fresh insights from emerging talent with access to cutting-edge ideas and support. You can:
- Tap into our top talent by engaging an HDR student intern on a project, such as reviewing current legal research or testing the viability of a new approach. Academics of international calibre will guide our HDR candidates to help you take the next step.
- Enlist a UQ law Summer or Winter Research Scholar for a student placement that aligns with a problem or challenge you want to tackle. You’re bound to hear new takes on established organisational or societal issues from our scholars – all accomplished undergraduate students supervised by top-tier UQ law researchers.
- Collaborate with student volunteers from our UQ Pro Bono Centre on public interest matters impacting local, regional and overseas communities. Partnering with our Pro Bono Centre students will help you address access to justice issues that affect the most vulnerable and marginalised groups in our society.
Training and development
Collaborate with us to build capability in your organisation, region or community with research-led training and our cross-cultural expertise. View our events calendar for a taste of what we can deliver.
- Co-facilitate conferences with UQ Law School. You’ll bring together members of multiple groups – including but not limited to legal practitioners, members of the judiciary, government agencies, community organisations, businesses and academics – to explore solutions to complex challenges.
- Engage UQ law academics to host a training seminar or workshop for your organisation on an area of interest or concern.
- Partner with UQ Law School on continuing professional development (CPD) courses or postgraduate study. As a guest speaker at a CPD course or postgraduate lecture, you’ll have the opportunity to position your organisation as an expert in key topics and forge links with law graduates and professionals alike.
Discover some of our partnerships
Internationally and nationally
In our local community
For Queensland
Keep updated on the latest from UQ Law Research
A great way to get to know our researchers is through our news and events.
Reach out
Have an idea or issue you'd like to explore? Please feel free to discuss your needs with individual researchers directly or email our dedicated Research Development Manager, Carmen Buttery, to arrange an online or in-person catch-up at a time that suits you to discuss the challenges you’re facing.
Carmen Buttery
Research Development Manager
UQ Law School
UQ Law research
Connect with our researchers
Collaborate with us to solve today's pressing challenges. Find out how we can work together.
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Research themes & challenges
Potential HDR projects
Summer/Winter research scholarships
What's on
Research groups
Australian Centre for Private Law
Centre for Public, International and Comparative Law
Food Security and Intellectual Property
Indigenous People and the Law
Law and the Future of War
Law and Religion in the Asia-Pacific
Law, Science and Technology
Marine and Shipping Law Unit
UQ Solomon Islands Partnership