Article by Professor Tamara Walsh, UQ Law School, and Bridget Burton, Director of the Human Rights and Civil Law Practice at Caxton Legal Centre Inc.
The UQ/Caxton Human Rights Case Law Project was established in April 2020.
Our aim was to keep a watching brief on human rights cases in Queensland. We decided to establish a database of case notes, with the goal of including every case that mentioned the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld).
Our team started with three volunteer undergraduate LLB students from the University of Queensland, supervised by the authors. At first, only a few cases mentioned the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld) and most often, the Act was only mentioned in passing.
However, as the months progressed, the number of cases mentioning the Act substantially increased, and the extent to which commissioners, tribunal members and judicial officers engaged with the Act, and applied it in decision making, also increased.
We now have a team of 13 student volunteers, and in October 2021, we entered the 100th case in our database.
In this article, we will provide a snapshot of our research findings in respect of those first 100 cases.
Read the full article at QLS Proctor
Read the UQ/Caxton Human Rights Case Law Project 2020/21 Annual Report