Five UQ law students have participated in an international course on cybercrime in Zurich, Switzerland.
Led by UQ Law School Professor Andreas Schloenhardt, the course is part of the flagship Transnational Organised Crime program offered by The University of Queensland in conjunction with the University of Vienna, the University of Zurich, the University of Cologne and the University of Ferrara.
"Every year, we choose a specific research topic of significance, with transnational organised cybercrime the focus this year,” Professor Schloenhardt said.
“This includes specific types of crime, the means and methods of online and computer-based offending, the involvement of organised criminal groups, international frameworks and national laws, as well law enforcement methods, prosecution, and prevention of cybercrime.”
The University of Vienna’s Professor Susanne Reindl-Krauskopf, who is also an Honorary Professor at UQ and co-organiser of the programme since its inception, regarded the course as an optimal opportunity for students to conduct research in an international context.
“Through special training, students are equipped with advanced research and presentation skills,” Professor Reindl-Krauskopf said.
“The course helps facilitate a good understanding of the criminology, policies, and laws relating to cybercrime, as well as the ability to liaise with key stakeholders and present research findings to an international academic audience.”
– Professor Reindl-Krauskopf
It enables students to research the many facets of organised crime while studying the laws and practical measures necessary to fight it.
With the involvement of international partners and presentations by experts and officials, students gain unique insight into global investigation techniques as well as international criminal law frameworks.
UQ Law School student Helena Hagan found the interdisciplinary program connected her with a wide international network.
“It was a great way to meet and learn with students from other countries,” she said.
“My research project on ransomware attacks also allowed me to combine my law degree with my interest in IT.”
University of Vienna student Gamze Altindas researched special online investigation techniques and considered her project and overall participation in the program to be an enlightening experience.
“It has been eye-opening to present my research to an international audience and get feedback from leading experts at top universities,” they said.

Transnational Organised Crime is a joint course at UQ offered annually in collaboration with the four universities in Austria, Switzerland, Germany and Italy.
Previous courses have focused on wildlife trafficking, organised crime and illegal gambling, decriminalisation of drugs, the illicit firearms trade, and the challenges posed by organised crime to courts and prisons.
In 2024–2025, the joint Transnational Organised Crime course will focus on trafficking in cultural artefacts and antiquities and will be hosted by the University of Ferrara in Italy.
Students who are interested in undertaking this course should contact Andreas Schloenhardt for further information by email: As course capacity is limited, students will be selected through an application process.
Learn more about UQ Law School’s Transnational Organised Crime program.