The University of Queensland Law Journal Volume 30, No. 2
Volume 30, No. 2 is a General Issue.
- PDG Skegg, Presuming Competence to Consent: Could Anything be Sillier?
- Rob Merkin, Australia: Still a Nation of Chalmers?
- Jonathan Burnside, Imagining Biblical Law
- Rick Bigwood, Circumscribing Election: Reflections on the Taxonomization and Mental Componentry of Affirmation of a Contract by Election
- John Furedy, Free Speech and the Issue of Academic Freedom: Is the Canadian Velvet Totalitarian Disease coming to Australian Campuses?
- George Williams and Sangeetha Pillai, Commonwealth Power over Higher Education
- Graham McBain, The Religion of the Queen - Time for Change
9 April 2019 3:50pm