Rule of Law or Ruled by Law?

What are the human rights and legal implications for Palestinian children living under Israeli military law in the West Bank?
Australian Speaking Tour: Gerard Horton and Salwa Duaibis, Directors and Founders of Military Court Watch
Military Court Watch (MCW) is a registered non-profit established in 2013 and is guided by two basic principles. First, all children detained by the Israeli military authorities are entitled to all the rights and protections guaranteed under international law. Secondly, that there can be no legal justification for treating Palestinian and Israeli children differently under Israel’s military and civilian legal systems. In pursuit of these principles, MCW monitors, advocates and educates in the region and beyond.
Salwa Duaibis is a Palestinian citizen of Israel currently based in Jerusalem. She is a co-founder of Military Court Watch; an organization that monitors the treatment of children in Israeli military detention. Prior to that, she worked with a number of human rights organisations focusing on Palestinian economic and women’s rights.
Gerard Horton is an Australian lawyer and co-founder of Military Court Watch. Gerard has worked on the issue of children detained by the Israeli military and prosecuted in military courts for the past 10 years prior to which he practised as a barrister at the Sydney Bar.
Salwa and Gerard were part of the Four Corners Walkley winning documentary Stone Cold Justice.
This tour is sponsored by the Major Issues and Theology Foundation and the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network.