• Have you ever tried to help someone who cannot understand you because of a language barrier? 
  • Are you unsure how to secure the services of a certified interpreter or translator? 
  • Are you hoping to work as a lawyer in our increasingly diverse society?
  • Do you want to arrive at your employer’s office “job ready”?

The UQ Pro Bono Centre is hosting a workshop on using interpreters with the generous assistance of NAATI (the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters), AUSIT (the Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators Inc.), ASLIA, the Australian Sign Language Interpreters and Translators’ Association and the UQ School of Languages and Culture.
Whether you want to work in a multi-national firm working on high-end contracts with clients in foreign countries, or you want to help new migrants understand our family law system, or you plan to do pro bono work supporting refugees with their protection visa applications, you will need to know when and how to use interpreters.  

This workshop is targeted at students, recent graduates and lawyers who want to learn how to work with, or as, interpreters and translators in legal settings. 


  • Current UQ Students    FREE
  • All other guests             $25

All proceeds will be used to cover the costs of presenting this program.

Click here to register for this event

For further information, please email the UQ Pro Bono Centre’s Practitioner-in-Residence Rosalind Williams at pir@law.uq.edu.au

About UQ Pro Bono Centre Events

The UQ Pro Bono Centre is a nationally recognised leader in the development, promotion, and provision of student pro bono legal work. The Centre maintains a roster of approximately 600 high performing students, linking student volunteers with legal services to help with pro bono or public interest matters. 

The University of Queensland Pro Bono Centre inspires students to understand the value and importance of access to justice. It is our aim that students graduate from law school with a lifelong professional commitment to pro bono legal service.


Global Change Institute, Saint Lucia Campus.