UQ Law School atrium in Forgan Smith

Come and join us at the UQ Art Museum to celebrate your milestone reunion with fellow alumni from your class and other cohorts.

The milestone years celebrating a reunion being 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50+.

  • Enjoy complimentary canapes and drinks served throughout the reception
  • Take a tour of the newly refurbished TC Beirne School of Law
  • Hear about the latest news and developments at UQ Law

Event details

Date: Sunday 20 October
Time: 2.45pm for 3.00pm-5.30pm
Venue: UQ Art Museum (view in UQ Maps), The University of Queensland, St Lucia campus
Dress: Smart casual
Contact: Law Events



About UQ Law Reunion Celebrations

The annual UQ Law School Reunions invites those celebrating milestone years to a reception with fellow alumni and classmates. Get in touch to find out when yours will be.


UQ Art Museum
UQ St Lucia