This practical skills workshop is presented by the UQ Pro Bono Centre in collaboration with UQ Ventures.

In this workshop, you'll learn how to plan, execute and deliver complex projects.

Managing complex projects simultaneously is an essential skill for anyone with a dynamic professional career – managing multiple deadlines at work, balancing your professional and pro bono commitments, or working in a team to deliver on a project.

Agile project management is a distinct set of principles and practices, born in the tech sector and quickly permeating through all sectors, including the legal sector.

This workshop will cover:

  • agile iterative methodologies to deliver project goals
  • how to organise workload and lead a team
  • how to effectively collaborate with a diverse team

Although this workshop will be tailored to law students, students from all and any disciplines are welcome to attend this workshop!

This workshop will run via Zoom. Register to receive the Zoom link.

About Practical Skills in Law

This workshop series is designed to develop your practical skills in areas that are crucial to success in the legal profession.



via Zoom