Topic: A prosecutorial perspective on sexual assault

Presenter: Dr Kylie Weston-Schueber

"A Prosecutorial Perspective on Sexual Assault" is a version of a paper presented to the Australian Institute of Judicial Administration (AIJA) Conference in Sydney in September 2011. In this seminar presentation, Kylie will provide an overview of some of the key issues facing prosecutors in sexual assault trials. Many of the problems that have plagued sexual assault prosecutions, and made the experience traumatic for victims, have been the subject of legal reform across all Australian jurisdictions over the last two decades. However, there remain a number of aspects of sexual assault trials that pose a challenge for prosecutors, make the experience a harrowing one for victims, and arguably contribute to the continuing low conviction rates in matters of this nature.

All welcome, please register by emailing Beth Williams.

Contact: Beth Williams, ph: 334 69350, email:

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