Silent Payment Guarantee - a practitioner's perspective
Topic: Silent payment guarantee - a practitioner's perspective
Presenter: Dr M. P. Tsim - Freelance Banking Consultant
Silent Payment Guarantee is a structured trade finance product offered by banks to sellers in commodities trading. It serves as an indemnity against financial default of a buyer after shipment is effected. The guarantee is issued without the knowledge of a buyer who trades with a seller on open account terms. The instrument often plays an important role in winning bids by enhancing the competitiveness of payment and credit terms of the seller. Legal counsel involvement is one of the critical success factors in mitigating the risks in offering this banking service.
This seminar is designed to present in detail the features of a Silent Payment Guarantee from a practitioner's perspective and to discuss how legal support should be made available before and after the issuance of the guarantee instrument.
All welcome, no RSVP required.
Contact: Beth Williams, ph: 334 69350, email:
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