Topic: Imagining biblical law

Presenter: Dr Jonathan Burnside - Distinguished Visiting Fellow

Biblical law is one of the most remarkable bodies of law the world has ever seen. Yet despite its cultural influence and staying power, it is not always well understood. This lecture considers how we should conceive of biblical law, legal thinking and legal institutions by setting the biblical texts in their ancient Near Eastern literary, social and theological context. It argues that we should see biblical law as an integration of different instructional genres of the Bible. In doing so, we are better placed to appreciate the substantive and presentational differences between biblical law and modern legal concepts and legal assumptions.

All welcome, no RSVP required.

Contact: Beth Williams, ph: 334 69350, email:

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The UQ Law Research Seminar Series provides an opportunity to explore and critically discuss legal and interdisciplinary issues in an academic environment. The seminars are an integral part of the School’s research culture.

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