Topic: Harmonisation of European asylum law - what are the implications for the international refugee law?

Presenter: Ms Maria O'Sullivan - Monash University

A recent development in European Union law has been the harmonisation of refugee law and policy. As part of this, EU Member States have signed up to asylum 'directives' which set out common standards on important questions such as the definition of a refugee, revocation of refugee status and procedural matters. This has been a controversial development given that EU Member States are bound by the 1951 Refugees Convention - an international treaty. What then are the implications of having regional, harmonised set of directives for international refugee law? Also, what effect is this likely to have on the national systems of both EU Member States and non-EU status such as Australia?

All welcome, no RSVP required.

Contact: Beth Williams, ph: 334 69350, email:

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