Topic: Perspectives on American federal corruption prosecutions on the 50th anniversary of the attorney generalship of Robert F. Kennedy

Presenter: Professor Adam Kurland - Howard University - Washington D.C.

American Anti- corruption law is a complex combination of state and federal law enforcement efforts, raising significant constitutional and policy issues. Modern American public corruption prosecutions were born in 1961, with the passage of certain federal criminal legislation sponsored by then US Attorney General Robert Kennedy ( the Justice Department Building in Washington, DC is now named after him ). 2011marks the 50th anniversary of those efforts. This presentation will briefly discuss the relevant history; the inter-play between state and federal efforts; the impact of recent Supreme Court decisions, the potential effect of the recent 'Tea party' Movement in the United States that seeks to insure that federal legislation is consistent with the original intent of the framers, and related double jeopardy issues. This discussion will also provide a framework to compare and contrast how these issues are addressed in Australia.

All welcome, no RSVP required. 

Contact: Beth Williams, ph: 334 69350, email:

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