On 24 July 2014, the Australian Centre for Private Law at the TC Beirne School of Law, in co-operation with the Bar Association of Queensland, held a one-day symposium to commemorate 50 years since the land-mark decision of the House of Lords in Hedley Byrne v Heller on liability for negligent misstatement and pure economic loss.
The Australian Centre for Private Law (ACPL) hosted the official launch of ‘Private Law: Key Encounters with Public Law' (Cambridge University Press) at an event in Brisbane on 13 February, 2014.
UQ private law experts Professor Kit Barker and Dr Darryn Jensen have recently published an edited collection of essays entitled Private Law - Key Encounters with Public Law (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK 2013).
UQ researchers and members of the legal profession were among the guests who attended the official launch of UQ's Australian Centre for Private Law (ACPL) on 19 September, 2013.
Carbon farming could be encouraged in coastal wetlands, with restoration and improved management providing the possibility of benefits for biodiversity, fisheries, coastal protection and recreation.