Protecting coastal ecosystems and informing the law that govern ships and shipping.
Our academics provide advice and expertise to governments on policy and legislation related to law and commercial maritime activities in an Australian, regional and international context. Their research includes issues relating to oceans policy, admiralty jurisdiction, carriage of goods by sea, crimes at sea, the international law of the sea to inform the laws governing ships and shipping and the marine environment, and legislation to protect coastal ecosystems that are vital for maintaining biodiversity and serve as critical habitats for a wide variety of marine life.
Explore our featured projects, highlighting groundbreaking research and innovations in legal aspects of Shipping and marine environment.
Accelerating Adoption and Implementation of Blue Carbon in Australia
‘Blue carbon’ refers to the carbon sequestered in coastal ecosystems like mangroves and saltmarsh. Active management and restoration of these ecosystems can increase their health, coverage and extent, thereby increasing their capacity to store carbon dioxide. For this reason, there has been significant interest in these ecosystems as a way to achieve emissions reduction targets in Australia and internationally.
A model national legal framework for mangrove ecosystem services
This project aims to identify legal deficiencies and policy barriers in mangrove protection on the Australian coast, with the goal of creating an innovative legal framework that recognizes and safeguards the ecosystem services provided by mangroves, potentially benefiting other ecosystems and jurisdictions.
Carbon abatement and biodiversity enhancements through controlling feral ungulate disturbance in wetlands
Customary law in South Pacific Legal systems
This project, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and led by The University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, explores the challenges faced by South Pacific island nations, particularly regarding climate change, biodiversity loss, and sustainable marine resource management. It focuses on amplifying women's voices in the context of customary law within these countries' plural legal systems. The project aims to highlight how a holistic approach, integrating customary law with modern legal frameworks, can support sustainable environmental practices in the region.
Research to support development of a blue carbon project
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