Emeritus Professor Patrick Parkinson
Emeritus Professor
TC Beirne School of Law

Parkinson, Patrick (2023). Australian family law in context: commentary and materials. 8th ed. Pyrmont, NSW, Australia: Thomson Reuters.
Parkinson, Patrick (2019). Australian family law in context: commentary and materials. 7th ed. Pyrmont, NSW, Australia: Thomson Reuters.
Parkinson, Patrick (2015). Australian family law in context: commentary & materials. 6th ed. Pyrmont, NSW, Australia: Thomson Reuters.
Parkinson, Patrick (2013). Tradition and change in Australian law. 5th ed. Pyrmont, NSW: Thomson Reuters.
Parkinson, Patrick (2011). Family law and the indissolubility of parenthood. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CBO9780511921063
Parkinson, Patrick (2010). Tradition and change in Australian law. 4th ed. Pyrmont, NSW: Thomson Reuters.
Parkinson, Patrick (2009). Australian family law in context: commentary and materials. 4th ed. Pyrmont, NSW, Australia: Thomson Reuters.
Parkinson, Patrick and Cashmore, Judy (2008). The voice of a child in family law disputes. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199237791.001.0001
Parkinson, Patrick (2005). Tradition and change in Australian law. 3rd ed. Pyrmont, NSW, Australia: Thomson Reuters.
Parkinson, Patrick (2004). Australian family law in context: commentary and materials. 3rd ed. Syndey, NSW, Australia: Thomson Reuters.
Book Chapters
Patrick Parkinson (2024). Justice, rights, and family relationships. Justice and Rights: Nicholas Wolterstorff in Dialogue with the University. (pp. 112-116) edited by Terence Halliday and KK Yeo. Carlisle, England: Langham Publishing.
Parkinson, Patrick (2022). The erosion of marriage. Family Matters – Essays in Honour of John Eekelaar. (pp. 433-446) edited by Jens Scherpe and Stephen Gilmore. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Intersentia.
Parkinson, Patrick (2022). The role of public policy in supporting safe, stable and nurturing families. The impact of the family on character formation, ethical education and the communication of values in late modern pluralistic societies. (pp. 211-222) edited by Michael Welker and Stephen Pickard. Leipzig, Germany: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
Parkinson, Patrick (2021). Tasmania’s gender-confused parliament. Australian perspectives on transgendering children and adolescents. (pp. 81-87) edited by Geoff Holloway. Hobart, Australia: Geoff Holloway.
Parkinson, Patrick and Cashmore, Judith (2021). Children's experiences of shared care. Routledge International Handbook on Shared Parenting and Best Interest of the Child. (pp. 15-26) edited by José Manuel de Torres Perea, Edward Kruk and Margarita Ortiz-Tallo. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge.
Parkinson, Patrick (2021). Law, morality and the fragility of the western legal tradition. The impact of law: on character formation, ethical education and the communication of values in late modern pluralistic societies. (pp. 31-42) edited by John Witte and Michael Welker. Leipzig, Germany: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
Parkinson, Patrick (2020). Protecting religious freedom in an age of militant secularism. Forgotten freedom no more: protecting religious liberty in Australia, analysis and perspectives. (pp. 99-113) edited by Robert Forsyth and Peter Kurti. Redland Bay, QLD, Australia: Connor Court Publishing.
Parkinson, Patrick and Cashmore, Judy (2019). Children's participation in decisions about parenting arrangements. The Oxford handbook of children and the law. (pp. 1-24) edited by James G. Dwyer. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190694395.013.38
Parkinson, Patrick N. (2018). The future of marriage in secular societies. The contested place of religion in family law. (pp. 617-640) edited by Robin Fretwell Wilson. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781108277976.026
Parkinson, Patrick (2017). Being a non-resident parent. In verbondenheid: opstellen aangeboden aan Professor mr. Paul Vlaardingerbroek ter gelegenheid van zijn emeritaat. (pp. 89-104) edited by Romy de Jong, Adriaan van der Linden and Veronica Smits. Deventer, Netherlands: Wolters Kluwer.
Parkinson, Patrick (2017). Reconsidering family property law in the post-marital age. Law and policy in modern family finance: property division in the 21st century. (pp. 15-36) edited by Jessica Palmer, Nicola Peart, Margaret Briggs and Mark Henaghan. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Intersentia. doi: 10.1017/9781780686288.004
Parkinson, Patrick, Taylor, Nicola, Cashmore, Judith and Austin, William G. (2016). Relocation, research, and child custody disputes. Parenting plan evaluations: applied research for the Family Court. (pp. 431-459) edited by Leslie Drozd, Michael Saini and Nancy Olesen. New York, United States: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/med:psych/9780199396580.003.0014
Parkinson, Patrick (2015). Children's dispute resolution: the Australian experience. International perspectives on disputes about children and child protection: collected essays on parental responsibility and children’s dispute resolution. (pp. 89-108) Hong Kong, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press.
Parkinson, Patrick (2015). Mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse by religious leaders. Mandatory reporting laws and the identification of severe child abuse and neglect. (pp. 295-308) edited by Ben Mathews and Donald C. Bross. Dordrecht, Netherlands : Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-94-017-9685-9_14
Parkinson, Patrick (2014). The ties that bind: separation, divorce and the indissolubility of parenthood. Families, policy and the law: selected essays on contemporary issues for Australia. (pp. 177-184) edited by Alan Hayes and Daryl Higgins. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Parkinson, Patrick (2013). Family instability, mental health and the emerging financial crisis for the welfare state. Les solidarités entre générations: Solidarities between generations. (pp. 85-103) edited by Hugues Fulchiron. Brussels, Belgium: Éditions Bruylant.
Parkinson, Patrick (2012). Christian concerns about an Australian charter of rights. Freedom of Religion under Bills of Rights. (pp. 117-151) edited by Paul Babie and Neville Rochow. Adelaide, SA, Australia: University of Adelaide Press. doi: 10.1017/UPO9780987171818.008
Parkinson, Patrick (2010). Changing policies regarding separated fathers in Australia. The role of the father in child development. (pp. 578-614) edited by Michael E. Lamb. Hoboken, NJ, United States: John Wiley & Sons.
Parkinson, Patrick (2009). The financial impact of relocation disputes: empirical evidence from Australia. Family finances. (pp. 553-567) edited by Bea Verschraegen. Vienna, Austria: Jan Sramek.
Parkinson, P. (2007). Family relationship centres: a new approach to resolving conflicts about parenting in Australia. Family law: balancing interests and pursuing priorities. (pp. 611-620) edited by Lynn D. Wardle and Camille S. Williams. Buffalo, NY, United States: Hein and Co.
Parkinson, Patrick (2006). The past caretaking standard in comparative perspective. Reconceiving the family: critique on the American Law Institute's Principles of the Law of Family Dissolution. (pp. 446-471) edited by Robin Fretwell Wilson. Cambridge, MA, United States: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CBO9780511617706.026
Parkinson, Patrick (2005). Die Durchsetzung von Toleranz: Gesetze gegen religiose Verleumdung in Australien. Ein Maulkorb fr Christen?. (pp. 110-133) edited by Thomas Schirrmacher and Thomas Zimmermanns. Bonn, Germany: VKW.
Parkinson, Patrick (2002). Quantifying contributions. Handbook of the 10th National Family Law Conference. (pp. 17-41) Melbourne, Australia: National Family Law Conference.
Parkinson, Patrick (2001). Equity. The Oxford Companion to the High Court of Australia. edited by Michael Coper, Tony Blackshield and George Williams. Melbourne, Australia: OUP.
Magner, Eilis and Parkinson, Patrick (2001). Recovered memories: the legal dilemmas. Recovered memories: seeking the middle ground. (pp. 51-68) Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons. doi: 10.1002/0470013486.ch4
Parkinson, Patrick (2000). Child protection law in Australia. Overcoming child abuse: a window on a world problem. (pp. 15-38) edited by Michael Freeman. Aldershot, Hampshire, United Kingdom: Ashgate.
Parkinson, Patrick (1998). Alteration of property interests. Family law, laws of Australia. (pp. 1-75) Sydney: LBC.
Parkinson, Patrick (1996). Multiculturalism and the regulation of marriage in Australia. Families across frontiers. (pp. 309-326) edited by Nigel Lowe and Gillian Douglas. The Hague, The Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Parkinson, Patrick (1996). The Conscience of Equity. The Principles of Equity. (pp. 28-52) edited by Patrick Parkinson. Sydney, NSW, Australia: LBC Information Services.
Parkinson, Patrick (1996). Estoppel. The Principles of Equity. (pp. 201-280) edited by Patrick Parkinson. Sydney, NSW, Australia: LBC Information Services.
Parkinson, Patrick (1996). Fiduciary Obligations. The Principles of Equity. (pp. 325-378) edited by Patrick Parkinson. Sydney, NSW, Australia: LBC Information Services.
Parkinson, Patrick and Wright, D (1996). Equity and Property. The Principles of Equity. (pp. 53-91) edited by Patrick Parkinson. Sydney, NSW, Australia: LBC Information Services.
Parkinson, Patrick (1995). The property rights of cohabitees: is statutory reform the answer?. Frontiers of family law. (pp. 301-319) edited by D. Pearl, A. Bainham and R. Pickford. Chichester, England: John Wiley.
Parkinson, Patrick (1994). Property and Alimony in No-fault Divorce. Australian Law and Legal Thinking in the 1990s. (pp. 33-42) edited by Alice Erh-Soon Tay and Conita S.C. Leung. Sydney: Faculty of Law, University of Sydney,.
Parkinson, Patrick (1993). Legal intervention in parent-child conflicts - the emergence of no-fault divorce in child welfare law. Parenthood in modern society. (pp. 487-499) edited by John Eekelaar. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer Netherlands.
Parkinson, Patrick (1990). Family law. Annual survey of Australian law 1989. (pp. 141-163) edited by R. Baxt and G. Kewley. Sydney: LBC.
Journal Articles
Parkinson, Patrick (2025). Has the rule in Rice & Asplund survived its codification?. Australian Journal of Family Law, 36 (3), 235-255.
Martschuk, Natalie, Cashmore, Judy, Hoff, Sarah, Parkinson, Patrick, Goodman-Delahunty, Jane, Shackel, Rita, Cowdery, Nicholas and Powell, Martine B. (2024). The importance of consistency in complainants' evidence in the decision to prosecute child sexual abuse cases. Child Abuse and Neglect, 158 107095, 107095. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2024.107095
Parkinson AM, Patrick (2024). Is there still a place for shared parenting? Interpreting the Family Law Amendment Act 2023. Australian Family Lawyer, 33 (1), 30-35.
Parkinson, Patrick (2024). The constitutional constraints on altering property rights after relationship breakdown. The University of Queensland Law Journal. doi: 10.38127/uqlj.v43i2.8515
Parkinson, Patrick (2023). Gender identity discrimination and religious freedom. Journal of Law and Religion, 38 (1), 10-37. doi: 10.1017/jlr.2022.45
Parkinson, Patrick (2022). Reconsidering Kelvin: cross-sex hormone treatment as a response to adolescent gender dysphoria. Australian Journal of Family Law, 35 (1), 11-38.
Parkinson, Patrick (2022). When all roads lead to Rome: the problem of treating de facto relationships as marriages in Australia. Houston Journal of International Law, 44 (2), 253-285.
Parkinson, Patrick (2022). Adolescent gender identity and the Sex Discrimination Act: the case for religious exemptions. Australian Journal of Law and Religion, 1, 76-93. doi: 10.55803/f61m
Parkinson, Patrick (2021). Interim Costs to Set Aside a Binding Financial Agreement. Australian Journal of Family Law , 34, 151-158.
Parkinson, Patrick and Morris, Philip (2021). Psychiatry, psychotherapy and the criminalisation of ‘Conversion Therapy’ in Australia. Australasian Psychiatry, 29 (4), 409-411. doi: 10.1177/10398562211014220
Parkinson, Patrick (2021). Adolescent gender dysphoria and the informed consent model of care. Journal of Law and Medicine , 28 (3), 734-744.
Parkinson, Patrick (2021). Findings of unacceptable risk – a comment on Webb et al’s analysis of child sexual abuse allegations in the Family Court of Australia. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 56 (3) ajs4.173, 1-10. doi: 10.1002/ajs4.173
Parkinson, Patrick and Morris, Philip (2021). Legal restrictions to cross-sex hormone treatment for under 18s. InSight+, 2021 (27).
Parkinson, Patrick (2020). Family property division and the new technologies. Ex Curia, [2020], 25-38.
Hodgson, Natalie, Cashmore, Judy, Cowdery, Nicholas, Goodman-Delahunty, Jane, Martschuk, Natalie, Parkinson, Patrick , Powell, Martine B. and Shackel, Rita (2020). The Decision to Prosecute: A Comparative Analysis of Australian Prosecutical Guidelines. Criminal Law Journal, 44 (3), 155-172.
Cashmore, Judith, Taylor, Alan and Parkinson, Patrick (2020). Fourteen-year trends in the criminal justice response to child sexual abuse reports in New South Wales. Child Maltreatment, 25 (1), 85-95. doi: 10.1177/1077559519853042
Parkinson, Patrick (2020). Artificial conception and the legal definition of a ‘parent’. Australian Bar Review, 48, 198-217.
Parkinson, Patrick (2019). The future of religious freedom. The Australian Law Journal, 93 (9), 699-707.
Aroney, Nicholas and Parkinson, Patrick (2019). Associational freedom, anti-discrimination law and the new multiculturalism. Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy, 44, 1-29.
Parkinson, Patrick (2018). Shared physical custody: what can we learn from Australian law reform?. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 59 (5), 401-413. doi: 10.1080/10502556.2018.1454197
Parkinson, Patrick (2018). Family property division and the principle of judicial restraint. UNSW Law Journal, 41 (2), 380-400.
Parkinson, Patrick and Cashmore, Judith (2018). Relocation and the indissolubility of parenthood. Journal of Child Custody, 15 (1), 76-92. doi: 10.1080/15379418.2017.1411858
Parkinson, Patrick and Knox, Brian (2018). Can there ever be affordable family law?. Australian Law Journal, 92 (6), 458-476.
Parkinson, Patrick (2018). Tricked into marriage. Melbourne University Law Review, 42 (1), 117-148.
Cashmore, Judy, Parkinson, Patrick and Taylor, Alan (2018). Trends in prosecutions for child sexual abuse in South Australia 1992-2012. Adelaide Law Review.
Cashmore, Judy, Taylor, Alan and Parkinson, Patrick (2017). The characteristics of reports to the police of child sexual abuse and the likelihood of cases proceeding to prosecution after delays in reporting. Child Abuse and Neglect, 74, 49-61. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2017.07.006
Parkinson, Patrick (2017). Gender dysphoria and the controversy over the Safe Schools program. Sexual Health, 14 (5), 417-422. doi: 10.1071/SH17014
Parkinson, Patrick A. M. (2016). Why are decisions on family property so inconsistent?. Australian Law Journal, 90 (7), 498-526.
Cossins, Annie, Jayakody, Amanda, Norrie, Christine and Parkinson, Patrick (2016). The role of photographic and video documentation in the investigation and prosecution of child sexual assault. Journal of Law and Medicine, 23 (4), 925-937.
Parkinson, Patrick (2016). Can marriage survive secularization?. University of Illinois Law Review, 2016 (4), 1749-1770.
Cashmore, Judy and Parkinson, Patrick (2016). Children's 'wishes and feelings' in relocation disputes. Child and Family Law Quarterly, 28 (2), 151-174.
Parkinson, Patrick (2016). Constitutional law and the limits of discretion in family property law. Federal Law Review, 44 (1), 49-75.
Oldham, J. Thomas and Parkinson, Patrick (2016). Evaluating judicial discretion — family property law in Australia and the USA compared. Australian Journal of Family Law, 30 (2)
Parkinson, Patrick (2016). Family laws and access to justice. Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice, 8 (1), 37-69. doi: 10.22381/CRLSJ8120163
Parkinson, Patrick and Cashmore, Judy (2015). Reforming relocation law: a reply to Prof. Thompson. Family Court Review, 53 (2), 353-353. doi: 10.1111/fcre.12154
Parkinson, Patrick (2015). Forty years of family law: a retrospective. Victoria University of Wellington Law Review, 46 (3), 611-625.
Parkinson, Patrick (2015). Possibilities, probabilities and the standard of proof in determining an unacceptable risk of sexual abuse. Australian Journal of Family Law, 29 (1)
Parkinson, Patrick and Cashmore, Judy (2015). Reforming relocation law: a reply to Prof. Thompson. Family Court Review, 53 (1), 56-65. doi: 10.1111/fcre.12130
Parkinson, Patrick and Cashmore, Judy (2015). Reforming relocation law: an evidence‐based approach. Family Court Review, 53 (1), 23-39. doi: 10.1111/fcre.12128
Cashmore, Judith and Parkinson, Patrick (2014). The use and abuse of social science research evidence in children's cases. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 20 (3), 239-250. doi: 10.1037/law0000010
Parkinson, Patrick (2014). The payoffs and pitfalls of laws that encourage shared parenting: lessons from the Australian experience. Dalhousie Law Journal, 37 (1), 301-343.
Aroney, Nicholas and Parkinson, Patrick (2014). The territory of marriage: constitutional law, marriage law and family policy in the ACT same sex marriage case. Australian Journal of Family Law, 28 (2), 160-192.
Parkinson, Patrick (2014). Applying the s 75(2) factors to the division of family property: a principled approach. Family Law Review, 4 (2)
Parkinson, Patrick (2014). Child sexual abuse and the churches: a story of moral failure?. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 26 (1), 119-138.
Harrison, Joel and Parkinson, Patrick (2014). Freedom beyond the commons: managing the tension between faith and equality in a multicultural society. Monash University Law Review, 40 (2), 413-451.
Parkinson, Patrick (2014). International Society of Family Law. Russkii Pravovoi Zhurnal, 2 (1), 9-9. doi: 10.17589/2309-8678-2014-2-1-9
Parkinson, Patrick (2013). Family structure and children's wellbeing: a reply to Lucas, Nicholson and Erbas. Journal of Family Studies, 19 (3), 267-271. doi: 10.5172/jfs.2013.19.3.267
Parkinson, Patrick (2013). Violence, abuse and the limits of shared parental responsibility. Family Matters, 92, 7-17.
Parkinson, Patrick (2013). La experiencia Australiana en los centros de relación familiar. El Derecho: Cuaderno de Familia, 41, 6-11.
Bell, Felicity, Cashmore, Judy, Parkinson, Patrick and Single, Judi (2013). Outcomes of child-inclusive mediation. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 27 (1), 116-142. doi: 10.1093/lawfam/ebs017
Parkinson, Patrick (2013). The idea of family relationship centres in Australia. Family Court Review, 51 (2), 195-213. doi: 10.1111/fcre.12020
Parkinson, Patrick and Cashmore, Judy (2013). When mothers stay: adjusting to loss after relocation disputes. Family Law Quarterly, 47 (1), 65-96.
Parkinson, Patrick (2013). Family property law and the three fundamental propositions in Stanford v. Stanford. Family Law Review, 3 (2), 80-93.
Parkinson, Patrick (2013). Managing Family Justice in Diverse Societies by Mavis Maclean and John Eekelaar (Eds), Hart, Oxford, 2013, pp 315 + x, £55.00.. Australian Journal of Family Law, 27 (3), 270-275.
Parkinson, Patrick (2013). Rediscovering freedom in antidiscrimination law. The Australian Polity, 4 (1), 11-20.
Parkinson, Patrick (2012). The 2011 family violence amendments: what difference will they make?. Australian Family Lawyer, 22 (2), 2-18.
Parkinson, Patrick N., Oates, R. Kim and Jayakody, Amanda A. (2012). Child sexual abuse in the Anglican Church of Australia. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 21 (5), 553-570. doi: 10.1080/10538712.2012.689424
Bell, Felicity, Cashmore, Judy, Parkinson, Patrick and Single, Judi (2012). Choosing child-inclusive mediation. Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal, 23 (4), 253-264.
Parkinson, Patrick (2012). When is parenthood dissoluble?. Brigham Young University Journal of Public Law, 26 (2), 147-185.
Parkinson, Patrick (2012). Family trusts and third parties under the Family Law Act 1975. Australian Journal of Family Law, 26 (1), 5-27.
Cashmore, Judith A. and Parkinson, Patrick N. (2011). Reasons for disputes in high conflict families. Journal of Family Studies, 17 (3), 186-203. doi: 10.5172/jfs.2011.17.3.186
Parkinson, Patrick (2011). Another inconvenient truth: fragile families and the looming financial crisis for the welfare state. Family Law Quarterly, 45 (3), 329-352.
Parkinson, Patrick, Cashmore, Judy and Single, Judi (2011). Post-separation conflict and the use of family violence orders. Sydney Law Review, 33 (1), 1-38.
Parkinson, Patrick (2011). Accommodating religious belief in a secular age: the issue of conscientious objection in the workplace. University of New South Wales Law Journal, 34 (1), 281-299.
Parkinson, Patrick (2011). Mothers wishing to relocate with children: actual and perceived reasons. Canadian Journal of Family Law, 27 (1), 11-51.
Parkinson, Patrick and Cashmore, Judy (2011). Parenting arrangements for young children — A reply to Smyth, McIntosh and Kelaher. Australian Journal of Family Law, 25 (3), 284-286.
Parkinson, Patrick and Cashmore, Judy (2011). Parenting arrangements for young children: messages from research. Australian Journal of Family Law, 25 (3), 236-257.
Parkinson, Patrick (2010). Christian concerns about an Australian Charter of Rights. Australian Journal of Human Rights, 15 (2), 83-121. doi: 10.1080/1323238X.2010.11910872
Parkinson, Patrick, Cashmore, Judy and Single, Judi (2010). The need for reality testing in relocation cases. Family Law Quarterly, 44 (1), 1-34.
Parkinson, Patrick, Oates, Kim and Jayakody, Amanda (2010). Breaking the Long Silence: reports of child sexual abuse in the Anglican Church of Australia. Ecclesiology, 6 (2), 183-200. doi: 10.1163/174413610X493791
Parkinson, Patrick, Webster, Atlanta and Cashmore, Judy (2010). Lawyers' interviews with clients about family violence. University of New South Wales Law Journal, 33 (3), 929-944.
Chisholm, Richard and Parkinson, Patrick (2010). Reasonable practicability as a requirement: the High Court’s decision in MRR v GR. Australian Journal of Family Law, 24 (2), 255-271.
Parkinson, Patrick, Cashmore, Judy and Webster, Atlanta (2010). The views of family lawyers on apprehended violence orders after parental separation. Australian Journal of Family Law, 24 (3), 313-336.
Parkinson, Patrick (2010). Parenting after separation - the process of dispute resolution in Australia. Ritsumeikan Law Review, 330, 110-134.
Cashmore, Judy and Parkinson, Patrick (2009). Children's participation in family law disputes: the views of children, parents, lawyers and counsellors. Family Matters, 82, 15-21.
Parkinson, Patrick (2009). The family law reform pendulum. Australian Journal of Family Law, 23 (3), 155-159.
Parkinson, Patrick (2008). Review of Family Law and Personal Life, John Eekelaar, Oxford University Press 2006. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 22 (3), 436-439. doi: 10.1093/lawfam/ebn005
Cashmore, Judy, Parkinson, Patrick and Taylor, Alan (2008). Overnight stays and children's relationships with resident and nonresident parents after divorce. Journal of Family Issues, 29 (6), 707-733. doi: 10.1177/0192513X07308042
Parkinson, Patrick (2008). Freedom of movement in an era of shared parenting: the differences in judicial approaches to relocation. Federal Law Review, 36 (2), 145-171. doi: 10.22145/flr.36.2.2
Cashmore, Judy and Parkinson, Patrick (2008). Children’s and parents’ perceptions of children’s participation in decision-making after parental separation and divorce. Family Court Review, 46 (1), 91-104. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-1617.2007.00185.x
Parkinson, Patrick (2008). The realities of relocation: messages from judicial decisions. Australian Journal of Family Law, 22, 35-55.
Parkinson, P. (2008). What’s in a marriage certificate? The debate about de facto relationships. Debate, 2, 22-24.
Parkinson, Patrick (2008). Children, young people and federalism. Reform (92), 41-43.
Parkinson, Patrick (2007). Reengineering the child support scheme: an Australian perspective on the British Government's proposals. Modern Law Review, 70 (5), 812-836. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2230.2007.00664.x
Parkinson, Patrick, Cashmore, Judy and Single, Judi (2007). Parents' and children's views on talking to judges in parenting disputes in Australia. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 21 (1), 84-107. doi: 10.1093/lawfam/ebl022
Parkinson, P. (2007). The Future of Child Support. University of Western Australia Law Review, 33, 179-206.
Parkinson, Patrick (2007). The values of Parliament and the best interests of children - a response to Prof. Chisholm. Australian Journal of Family Law, 21 (3), 213-228.
Cashmore, Judy and Parkinson, Patrick (2007). What responsibility do courts have to hear children's voices?. International Journal of Childrens Rights, 15 (1), 43-60. doi: 10.1163/092755607X181694
Parkinson, Patrick and Cashmore, Judith (2007). Judicial Conversations With Children in Parenting Disputes: The Views of Australian Judges. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 21, 160-189. doi: 10.1093/lawfam/ebm005
Parkinson, Patrick (2007). Religious vilification, anti-discrimination laws and religious minorities in Australia: the freedom to be different. Australian Law Journal, 81 (12), 954-966.
Parkinson, Patrick (2006). Family law and the indissolubility of parenthood. Family Law Quarterly, 40 (2), 237-280.
Parkinson, Patrick (2006). Keeping in contact: the role of Family Relationship Centres in Australia. Child and Family Law Quarterly, 18 (2), 157-174.
Parkinson, Patrick (2006). Decision-making about the best interests of the child: the impact of the two tiers. Australian Journal of Family Law, 20, 179-192.
Parkinson, Patrick (2005). The yardstick of equality: assessing contributions in Australia and England. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 19 (2), 163-175. doi: 10.1093/lawfam/ebi012
Parkinson, Patrick, Cashmore, Judy and Single, Judi (2005). Adolescents' views on the fairness of parenting and financial arrangements after separation. Family Court Review, 43 (3), 429-444. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-1617.2005.00044.x
Parkinson, Patrick (2005). The law of postseparation parenting in Australia. Family Law Quarterly, 39 (2), 507-525.
Parkinson, Patrick N., Shrimpton, Sandra, Oates, R. Kim, Swanston, Heather Y. and O’Toole, Brian I. (2004). Nonsex offences committed by child molesters: findings from a longitudinal study. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 48 (1), 28-39. doi: 10.1177/0306624x03257246
Parkinson, Patrick and Smyth, Bruce (2004). Satisfaction and dissatisfaction with father–child contact arrangements in Australia. Child and Family Law Quarterly, 16 (3), 289-304.
Parkinson, Patrick (2004). Child custody arrangements on family separation. Australian Family Lawyer, 17 (3), 30-33.
Swanston, Heather, Parkinson, Patrick N., O'Toole, Brian I., Plunkett, Angela M., Shrimpton, Sandra and Oates, R. Kim (2003). Juvenile crime, aggression and delinquency after sexual abuse: a longitudinal study. British Journal of Criminology, 43 (4), 729-749. doi: 10.1093/bjc/43.4.729
Swanston, Heather Y., Plunkett, Angela M., O'Toole, Brian I., Shrimpton, Sandra, Parkinson, Patrick N. and Oates, R. Kim (2003). Nine years after child sexual abuse. Child Abuse and Neglect, 27 (8), 967-984. doi: 10.1016/S0145-2134(03)00143-1
Parkinson, Patrick (2003). Child protection, permanency planning and children's right to family life. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 17 (2), 147-172. doi: 10.1093/lawfam/17.2.147
Parkinson, Patrick (2003). Review of Susan Scott-Hunt and Hilary Lim (eds.), Feminist Perspectives on Equity
and Trusts, London: Cavendish, 2001, 287 pp. + bibliography and index,
ISBN: 1-85941-606-3. Feminist Legal Studies, 11 (1), 93-97. doi: 10.1023/A:1023287124656
Parkinson, Patrick (2003). Quantifying the homemaker contribution in family property law. Federal Law Review, 31 (1), 1-55. doi: 10.22145/flr.31.1.1
Parkinson, Patrick (2003). Custody battle. About the House (18), 16-16.
Parkinson, Patrick N., Shrimpton, Sandra, Swanston, Heather Y., O'Toole, Brian I. and Oates, R. Kim (2002). The process of attrition in child sexual assault cases: a case flow analysis of criminal investigations and prosecutions. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 35 (3), 347-362. doi: 10.1375/acri.35.3.347
Parkinson, Patrick (2002). What does the lord require of us? Child sexual abuse in the churches. Journal of Religion and Abuse, 4 (2), 3-31. doi: 10.1300/J154v04n02_02
Swanston, Heather Y., Parkinson, Patrick N., Oates, R.Kim, O’Toole, Brian I., Plunkett, Angela M. and Shrimpton, Sandra (2002). Further abuse of sexually abused children. Child Abuse and Neglect, 26 (2), 115-127. doi: 10.1016/s0145-2134(01)00311-8
Parkinson, Patrick (2002). Reconceptualising the express trust. Cambridge Law Journal, 61 (3), 657-683. doi: 10.1017/S0008197302001769
Parkinson, Patrick (2002). Review: Barry Maley, Family and Marriage in Australia. Australian Journal of Family Law, 16, 267-270.
Plunkett, Angela, O'Toole, Brian, Swanston, Heather, Oates, R. Kim, Shrimpton, Sandra and Parkinson, Patrick (2001). Suicide risk following child sexual abuse. Ambulatory Pediatrics, 1 (5), 262-266. doi: 10.1367/1539-4409(2001)001<0262:SRFCSA>2.0.CO;2
Parkinson, Patrick (2001). The child participation principle in child protection law in New South Wales. International Journal of Children's Rights, 9 (3), 259-272. doi: 10.1163/15718180120494964
Swanston, Heather Y., Parkinson, Patrick N., Shrimpton, Sandra, O'toole, Brian I. and Oates, R. Kim (2001). Statutory compensation for victims of child sexual assault: examining the efficacy of a discretionary system. International Review of Victimology, 8 (1), 37-62. doi: 10.1177/026975800100800103
Parkinson, Patrick (2001). Setting aside financial agreements. Australian Journal of Family Law, 15 (1)
Parkinson, Patrick (2001). Judicial discretion, the homemaker contribution and assets acquired after separation. Australian Journal of Family Law, 15 (2)
Forster, Christine and Parkinson, Patrick (2000). Compensating child sexual assault victims within statutory schemes: imagining a more effective compensatory framework. University of New South Wales Law Journal, 23 (2), 172-195.
Parkinson, Patrick (2000). Unfinished business: reforming the law of property division. Australian Family Lawyer, 14 (4), 1-9.
Parkinson, Patrick (1999). Family law and parent-child contact: assessing the risk of sexual abuse. Melbourne University Law Review, 23 (2), 345-371.
Parkinson, Patrick (1999). Reforming the Law of Family Property. Australian Journal of Family Law, 13 (2), 117-139.
Parkinson, Patrick (1999). The diminishing significance of initial contributions to property. Australian Journal of Family Law, 13 (1), 52-82.
Parkinson, Patrick and Humphreys, Catherine (1998). Children who witness domestic violence - the implications for child protection. Child and Family Law Quarterly, 10 (2), 147-159.
Parkinson, Patrick (1997). Property Rights and Third Party Creditors - The Scope and Limitations of Equitable Doctrines. Australian Journal of Family Law, 100-122.
Parkinson, Patrick (1995). Fiduciary Law and Access to Medical Records: Breen v Williams. Sydney Law Review, 17, 433-445.
Parkinson, Patrick (1995). Custody, Access and Domestic Violence. Australian Journal of Family Law, 9, 41-57.
Parkinson, Patrick and Jones, E. (1995). Child Sexual Abuse, Access and the Wishes of Children. International Journal of Law and the Family, 9, 54-85.
Parkinson, Patrick (1994). Taking Multiculturalism Seriously: Marriage Law and the Rights of Minorities. Sydney Law Review, 16, 473-505.
Parkinson, Patrick (1993). Beyond Pettkus v Becker: Quantifying Relief for Unjust Enrichment. University of Toronto Law Journal, 217-256.
Parkinson, Patrick (1992). Children's Rights and Doctors' Immunities: The Implications of the High Court's Decision in Re Marion. Australian Journal of Family Law, 6, 101-125.
Parkinson, Patrick, Tremayne, K. and Stubbs, J. (1992). Secondary School and University Results as Predictors of Success in Law. Legal Education Review, 3, 235-266.
Parkinson, Patrick (1991). Intention, Contribution and Reliance in the De Facto Cases. Australian Journal of Family Law, 5, 268-276.
Parkinson, Patrick (1991). The Future of Competency Testing for Child Witnesses. Criminal Law Journal, 15, 186-192.
Parkinson, Patrick (1990). Unacceptable Risks and the Investigation of Child Sexual Abuse. Australian Journal of Family Law, 4, 254-260.
Parkinson, Patrick (1990). Boy, 15, Divorces Parents': Irreconcilable Difference Applications in Victoria. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 25, 301-317.
Parkinson, Patrick (1990). Equitable Estoppel: Developments after Waltons Stores v. Maher. Journal of Contract Law, 3, 50-69.
Parkinson, Patrick (1990). Child sexual abuse allegations in the Family Court. Australian Journal of Family Law, 4 (1), 60-84.
Parkinson, Patrick (1988). Doing equity between de facto spouses: from Calverley v. Green to Baumgartner. Adelaide Law Review, 11 (4), 370-404.
Parkinson, Patrick (1987). Who needs the Uniform Marital Property Act?. University of Cincinnati Law Review, 55 (3), 677-731.
Conference Papers
Parkinson, Patrick (2023). When is it not just and equitable to alter property rights on relationship breakdown?. WA Family Law Practitioners Association Conference, Perth, WA, Australia, 27 October 2023.
Parkinson, Patrick (2023). Ecologically sustainable child protection. Association of Independent Schools (NSW) Child Protection Conference, Sydney, NSW Australia, 19 September 2023.
Parkinson, Patrick (2023). The family law amendment bill. Annual Gold Coast Legal Conference 2023, Broadbeach, QLD, Australia, 2 June 2023.
Parkinson, Patrick (2019). Much Ado About Nothing. The Australian Family Law Conference, Fiji, 7-11 June 2019.
Parkinson, Patrick (2019). Sham Trusts, Alter Egos and Third Party Rights. 17th Australian Family Law Conference, Fiji, 7-11 June 2019.
Parkinson, Patrick (2019). If the Law is Wrong, Do I have to Obey it?. 2019 Asia Pacific JRCLS Conference, Sydney, 31 May - 2 June 2019.
Parkinson, Patrick (2019). Carving up the asset pool in property settlement matters. 13th Annual Family Law Conference, Gold Coast, Queensland, 1-2 August 2019.
Parkinson, Patrick (2015). The challenge of affordable family law. 15th International Society of Family Law World Conference, Recife, Brazil, 6-9 August 2014. International Society of Family Law.
Parkinson, P. and Behrens, J. (2014). Relocation as a risk factor: when to hold and when to fold. 16th National Family Law Conference, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 07-10 October 2014.
Parkinson, Patrick and Cashmore, Judy (2008). A longitudinal relocation study. Relocation Disputes in Australia, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 18 April 2008. Canberra, ACT, Australia: ANU.
Parkinson, Patrick (2008). Advising clients in relocation cases. Advanced Family Law Weekend, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 16-17 August 2008. Sydney, NSW, Australia: College of Law.
Research Reports
Parkinson, P. and Cashmore, J. (2017). Assessing the different dimensions and degrees of risk of child sexual abuse in institutions. Sydney, NSW, Australia: Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
Cashmore, Judy, Taylor, Alan, Shackel, Rita and Parkinson, Patrick (2016). The impact of delayed reporting on the prosecution and outcomes of child sexual abuse cases. Sydney, NSW, Australia: Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
Parkinson, Patrick (2016). Specialist prosecution units and courts: a review of the literature. Sydney, NSW, Australia: Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
Parkinson, Patrick (2011). For kids’ sake: repairing the social environment for Australian children and young people. Western Junction, TAS, Australia: VOS Foundation.
Cashmore, Judy, Parkinson, Patrick, Weston, Ruth, Patulny, Roger, Redmond, Gerry, Qu, Lixia, Baxter, Jennifer, Rajkovic, Marianne, Sitek, Tomasz and Katz, Ilan (2010). Shared care parenting arrangements since the 2006 Family Law Reforms: report to the Australian Government Attorney-General's Department. Sydney, NSW, Australia: Social Policy Research Centre, University of New South Wales.
Parkinson, Patrick (2000). The problem of child sexual abuse in church communities. Milton, QLD, Australia: Queensland Crime Commission.