Associate Professor David Morrison

Researcher biography
Associate Professor David Morrison's primary academic interests are in revenue law, corporate and insolvency law and economic analysis.
Associate Professor Morrison is an interdisciplinary researcher whose interests lie at the intersection of taxation law, corporate and insolvency law, bankruptcy, finance law and financial literacy as those interests apply to finance, the economy, social and policy framework and climate change. Associate Professor Morrison researches around law and finance especially as it applies to literacy and support for generational change. The recipient of three ARC research grants and a UQ Vice-Chancellors Research Excellence award, Associate Professor Morrison has held over 20 research grants and has published extensively including papers, conferences and as co-author of Voluntary Administration Thomson service. Associate Professor Morrison holds the degrees of BCom, LLB, MFM, LLM, GCEd and PhD (Qld), he holds the professional qualifications of Barrister-at-law, Chartered Accountant (CA), Fellow of the Financial Services Institute of Australia (FFin), and is a Chartered Tax Advisor of The Taxation Institute (CTA).