Emeritus Professor Suri Ratnapala
Emeritus Professor
TC Beirne School of Law

Ratnapala, Suri (2024). Philosophy, law and culture of liberal democracy and the authoritarian challenge. Newcastle upon Tyne, England: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Ratnapala, Suri (2017). Jurisprudence. 3rd ed. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
Ratnapala, Suri and Crowe, Jonathan (2012). Australian constitutional law: foundations and theory. 3rd ed. South Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Oxford University Press.
Ratnapala, Anura S. (2009). Jurisprudence. Melbourne: Cambridge University Press.
Ratnapala, S., John, Thomas, Karean, Vanitha and Koch, Cornelia (2007). Australian constitutional law: Commentary and cases. South Melbourne, Vic, Australia: Oxford University Press.
Ratnapala, Suri (2007). Australian constitutional law: Foundations and theory. 2nd ed. South Melbourne, Vic, Australia: Oxford University Press.
Ratnapala, A. S. (2002). Australian constitutional law, foundations & theory. 1 ed. Vic.: Oxford University Press.
Book Chapters
Ratnapala, Suri (2019). Reform and crisis: reflections on the culture of constitutional government in Sri Lanka. Constitutional reform and crisis in Sri Lanka. (pp. 240-262) edited by Asanga Welikala. Colombo, Sri Lanka: Centre for Policy Alternatives.
Ratnapala, Suri (2018). Decline and fall of Sri Lanka's judiciary and prospects for resurrection. Asia-Pacific judiciaries: independence, impartiality and integrity. (pp. 305-329) edited by H. P. Lee and Marilyn Pittard. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781316480946.016
Ratnapala, Suri (2018). Liberal peace and its prospects in the twenty first century. A commitment to excellence: essays in honour of Emeritus Professor Gabriël A. Moens. edited by Augusto Zimmermann. Redland Bay, QLD, Australia: Connor Court Publishing.
Ratnapala, Suri (2016). The two theses of the philosophy of separating powers: who exercises power and how?. Judicial independence in Australia: contemporary challenges, future directions. (pp. 22-36) edited by Rebecca Ananian-Welsh and Jonathan Crowe. Annandale, NSW, Australia: Federation Press.
Ratnapala, Suri (2015). Failure of quasi-Gaullist presidentialism in Sri Lanka. Reforming Sri Lankan presidentialism - provenance, problems and prospects. (pp. 658-690) edited by Asanga Welikala. Colombo, Sri Lanka: Centre for Policy Alternatives.
Ratnapala, Anura S. (2012). Australian Constitutionalism: An Overview. Australian Constitutional Law: foundations and theory. (pp. 14-35) edited by Anura S. Ratnapala and Jonathan G. Crowe. Australia: Oxford University Press.
Ratnapala, Suri (2012). Foedus Pacificum: A response to ethnic regionalism within nation states. The future of Australian federalism: Comparative and interdisciplinary perspectives. (pp. 250-271) edited by Gabrielle Appleby, Nicholas T. Aroney and Thomas John. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CBO9780511902550.016
Ratnapala, Suri and Moens, Gabriel A. (2011). Law, legal theory and liberty. Jurisprudence of Liberty. (pp. 1-15) edited by Suri Ratnapala and Gabriel A. Moens. Chatswood, NSW, Australia: LexisNexis Butterworths.
Ratnapala, Suri (2011). Law as a knowledge process. Jurisprudence of Liberty. (pp. 175-204) edited by Suri Ratnapala and Gabriel A. Moens. Chatswood, NSW, Australia: LexisNexis Butterworths.
Moens, Gabriel Adelin and Ratnapala, Anura S. (2011). The German border guard cases: natural law and the duty to disobey immoral laws. Jurisprudence of liberty. (pp. 271-292) Australia: LexisNexis Butterworths.
Ratnapala, Suri (2011). Separation of powers: Cornerstone of liberty under law. Jurisprudence of Liberty. (pp. 53-81) edited by Suri Ratnapala and Gabriel A Moens. Chatswood, NSW, Australia: Lexis Nexis Butterworths.
Ratnapala, Suri (2010). The jurisprudence of Friedrich A Hayek. The multi-layered Hayek. (pp. 45-59) edited by Oliver Marc Hartwich. St Leonards, N.S.W., Australia: Centre for Independent Studies.
Ratnapala, Suri (2010). Dissolving the chimera of the "Adam Smith problem". The market society and its morality: 250 years of Adam Smith's theory of moral sentiments. (pp. 39-55) edited by Michael Zöller and Manfred Petri. Bayreuth, Germany: Council on Public Policy, Universität Bayreuth.
Ratnapala, Anura S. (2010). The theory of moral sentiments : Adam Smith, 1759. 100 great books of liberty : The essential introduction to the greatest idea of Western Civilization. (pp. 199-207) edited by Chris Berg, John Roskam and Andrew Kemp. Ballan, Vic., Australia: Connor Court Publishing.
Ratnapala, Anura S. (2010). Law, legislation and liberty : Friedrich Hayek, 1973. 100 great books of liberty : The essential introduction to the greatest idea of Western Civilization. (pp. 22-27) edited by Chris Berg, John Roskam and Andrew Kemp. Ballan, Vic., Australia: Connor Court Publishing.
Ratnapala, Suri (2010). Constituent power of the Queensland Parliament. Queensland's Constitution: Past, present and future. (pp. 149-174) edited by Michael White and Aladin Rahemtula. Brisbane, Queensland: Supreme Court of Queensland Library.
Ratnapala, A. S. (2007). John Locke's doctrine of the separation of powers: A re-evaluation. Locke and Law. (pp. 244-274) edited by Thom Brooks. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing.
Ratnapala, A. S. (2006). Moral Capital and Commercial Society. The Challenge of Liberty : Classical Liberalism Today. (pp. 97-121) edited by Robert Higgs and Carl Close. California, USA: The Independent Institute.
Ratnapala, A. S. (2006). Securing Constitutional Government: The Perpetual Challenge. The Challenge of Liberty: Classical Liberalism Today. (pp. 141-165) edited by Robert Higgs and Carl Close. California, USA: The Independent Institute.
Ratnapala, A. S. (2003). Sir William Webb: A hobbesian jurist?. Queensland Judges on the High Court. (pp. 133-150) edited by Dr Michael white; Aladin Rahemtula. Brisbane, Queensland: Supreme Court of Queensland Library.
Ratnapala, A. S. (1999). Federalism as a response to ethnic regionalism. Federalism : comparative perspectives from India and Australia. (pp. 113-136) edited by I. Copeland and J. Rickard. New Delhi: Manohar.
Journal Articles
Pulle, Austin I. and Ratnapala, Suri (2019). Sri Lanka's quest for a reformed constitution: Lessons froma lost opportunity. Chinese Journal of Comparative Law, 7 (2), 285-308. doi: 10.1093/cjcl/cxz011
Ratnapala, Suri (2019). Defending liberal democracy and liberal peace in the time of rising populism and fascism. Centre for Independent Studies Analysis Papers (Analysis Paper 3), 1-23.
Ratnapala, Suri (2018). Enlightenment under siege: are the obituaries premature?. Policy: A Journal of Public Policy and Ideas, 34 (2), 57-62.
Ratnapala, Suri (2014). Fiscal federalism in Australia: will Williams v Commonwealth be a pyrrhic victory?. University of Queensland Law Journal, 33 (1), 63-82.
Ratnapala, Anura (2012). Economics of collective choice: the missing dimension of constitutional theory. Public Choice, 152 (3), 461-466. doi: 10.1007/s11127-012-0001-6
Ratnapala, Suri and Crowe, Jonathan (2012). Broadening the reach of chapter III: The institutional integrity of state curts and the constitutional limits of state legislative power. Melbourne University Law Review, 36 (1), 175-215.
Crowe, Jonathan and Ratnapala, Suri (2012). Military justice and Chapter III: the constitutional basis of courts martial. Federal Law Review, 40 (2), 161-180. doi: 10.1177/0067205x1204000202
Ratnapala, Suri (2010). Bills of rights in functioning parliamentary democracies: Kantian, consequentialist and institutionalist scepticisms. Melbourne University Law Review, 34 (2), 592-617.
Ratnapala, Anura S. (2008). The Role of Government in a Liberal Society. Centre for Independent Studies Occasional Papers (118), 1-20.
S Ratnapala (2008). Constitutionalism of Justice Ian Callinan. Supreme Court History Program Yearbook 2007, 2007 (1), 105-109.
Ratnapala, Suri (2007). 'Reviving the invisible hand: the case for classical liberalism in the twenty-first century', by Deepak Lal. The Independent Review, 12 (2), 285-290.
Ratnapala, Suri (2007). Reason and reach of the objection to ex post facto law. Indian Journal of Constitutional Law, 1 (1), 140-168.
Ratnapala, Suri (2007). Environmentalism versus constitutionalism: A contest without winners. Resource Management Theory and Practice, 3, 110-164.
Ratnapala, A. S. (2005). Cultural Diversity and Liberal Society. The Independent Review, 10 (2), 249-271.
Ratnapala, Suri (2005). 'Conversations with the constitution', by Greg Craven. Adelaide Law Review, 26 (1), 185-188.
Ratnapala, A. S. (2004). Vegetation management in Queensland: A case of constitutional vandalism. The Institute of Public Affairs Review, 56 (4), 10-11.
Ratnapala, A. S. (2003). Securing constitutional government: The perpetual challenge. The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, VIII (1), 5-26.
Ratnapala, A. S. (2003). Moral capital and commercial society. The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 8 (2), 213-233.
Ratnapala, Suri (2001). Eighteenth-century evolutionary thought and its relevance in the age of legislation. Constitutional Political Economy, 12 (1), 51-75. doi: 10.1023/A:1016681121137
Ratnapala, A.S. (2001). Eighteenth-century evolutionary thought and its relevance in the age of legislation. Constitutional Political Economy, 12 (1), 51-73.
Ratnapala, A.S. (2001). Government under the law: The ebb and flow of sovereignty in Australia. The University of New South Wales Law Journal, 24 (3), 670-687.
Ratnapala, A. S. (2000). Republican's debt to liberalism. Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy, 25 (2), 143-152.
Ratnapala, A. S. (1999). The idea of a constitution and why constitutions matter. Policy, 15 (4), 3-10.
Ratnapala, A. S. (1999). The case for adopting the American model in an Australian republic. University of Queensland Law Journal, 20 (2), 242-249.
Conference Papers
Ratnapala, Anura S. (2010). Jurisprudential legacy of the enlightenment: Saving the impartial spectator. 2010 Mont Pelerin Society General Meeting: A Twenty-First Century Liberal Enlightenment, Sydney, Australia, 10-15 October 2010.
Ratnapala, A. S. (2007). The role of government in a liberal society. The Institutional Framework for Freedom in Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, 25-28 February 2007. Nairobi, Kenya: Mont Pelerin Society.
Ratnapala, A. S. (2006). Environmentalism versus constitutionalism: A contest without winners. Joint Meeting of the Law and Economics Association of New Zealand and the New Zealand Association of Economists, Wellington, New Zealand, 28 June 2006. Wellington, New Zealand: New Zealand Business Roundtable.
Ratnapala, Suri (2005). Constitutional vandalism under green cover. 17th Conference of the Samuel Griffith Society, Greenmount, QLD Australia, 8-10 April, 2005. Sydney, NSW: The Samuel Griffith Society.
Ratnapala, A. S. (2000). Doing well & doing right: thoughts on moral capital & economic performance. 8th International Congress of professors world peace academy, Lotte Hotel, Korea, 10-14 February, 2000. Korea: 8th International Prof. World Peace Congress.