Professor Emerita the Hon Justice Sarah Derrington AM
Professor Emerita
TC Beirne School of Law

Derrington, Sarah C. and Turner, James M. (2016). The law and practice of admiralty matters. 2nd ed. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
Derrington, S. C. and Turner, J. M. (2007). The law and practice of admiralty matters. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Book Chapters
Merkin, Robert and Derrington, Sarah (2016). Marine Insurance Act 1906: magnificent achievement or monstrous aberration. The modern law of marine insurance. (pp. 1-39) edited by D. Rhidian Thomas. London, United Kingdom: Informa Law from Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315689630
Merkin, Robert and Derrington, Sarah (2015). Marine insurance act 1906: magnificent achievement of monstrous aberration. The modern law of marine insurance. (pp. 1-42) edited by Professor D. Rhidian Thomas. Abingdon, United Kingdom: Informa Law.
Derrington, Sarah C. (2014). From Lord High Admiral to Archbishop of Titipu: the symbiosis between church and matters maritime. The Idea of Legal History: A Tribute in Honour of Dr Michael White QC. (pp. 110-129) edited by Aladin Rahemtula and Mark Sayers. Brisbane, Australia: Supreme Court Library Queensland.
Derrington, Sarah (2014). Admiralty and Maritime Jurisdiction in the United States: Same Same but Different.... International Commercial Law and Arbitration: Perspectives. (pp. 159-175) edited by Nye Perram. Sydney, Australia: Ross Parsons Centre for Commercial, Corporate and Taxation Law, University of Sydney.
Cogliati-Bantz, Vincent, Derrington, Sarah, Forrest, Craig, Gaskell, Nick and White, Michael (2012). Marine oil and gas pollution spills in Australian waters. The regulation of international shipping: international and comparative perspectives: essays in honor of Edgar Gold. (pp. 371-400) edited by Aldo Chircop, Norman Letalik, Ted L. McDorman and Susan J. Rolston. Leiden, Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. doi: 10.1163/9789004202443
Derrington, S.C. (2002). Australia: Perspectives and permutations on the law of marine insurance. The Modern Law of Marine Insurance. (pp. 363-403) edited by Prof. D. Rhidian Thomas. United Kingdom: LLP.
Derrington, Sarah C. (2000). Charterparties. Australian Maritime Law. (pp. 121-160) edited by M White. Australia: Federation Press.
Journal Articles
McQueen, Peter and Derrington, Sarah (2012). Enforcement of Foreign Maritime Awards in Australia: Beware COGSA Section 11. Shipping and Transport Lawyer International, 9 (2), 22-26.
Bell, Justine and Derrington, Sarah (2011). It's raining claims: Challenging decisions on insurance through the Financial Ombudsman Service. Proctor, 31 (9), 18-20.
Derrington, Sarah (2009). The Interaction Between Admiralty & Insolvency Law. Australian and New Zealand Maritime Law Journal, 23, 30-38.
Derringon, Sarah (2008). Towage contracts in Australia - Does your contract say what you think it does?. Shipping and Transport Lawyer International, 7 (1), 8-10.
Derrington, Sarah C. (2008). Une Brève Introduction Au Droit Maritime Australien. Annuaire De Droit Maritime Et Océanique, XXVI (1), 571-586.
Derrington, Sarah (2007). The continuing utility of the action in rem. The Law Quarterly Review, 123, 358-361.
Derrington, S. C. (2007). My ship my castle: The forfeiture of property rights in the Admiralty Law context. University of Queensland Law Journal, 26 (2), 341-351.
Derrington, S. C. (2007). An illusory distinction - The Australian and English approaches to confidentiality in arbitration: Transfield Phillipines Inc and Ors v Pacific Hydro Ltd and Ors [2006] VSC 175. Australian and New Zealand Maritime Law Journal, 21 (2), 188-190.
Derrington, S C (2006). Bunkers - Not Property but Ship. Shipping and Transport Lawyer International, 6 (1), 20-22.
Derrington, Sarah C. (2005). JI MacWilliam Company Inc v Mediterranean Shipping Company SA 'The Rafaela S'. University of Queensland Law Journal, 24 (1), 191-195.
Derrington, S.C. (2005). Better the devil you know?. Shipping and Transport Lawyer International, 5 (1), 24-28.
Derrington, S.C. (2005). Digest of Australian maritime cases 1 July 2000 - 31 December 2003. Il Diritto Maritimo, 2005 (1), 1-26.
Derrington, S.C. (2005). A piece - Neither a package nor a unit. The Modern Law Review, 68 (1), 111-120. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2230.2005.00530.x
Derrington, S.C. (2005). Ship arrest and the admiralty jurisdiction of Australia and South Africa: too far or not far enough?. Journal of International Maritime Law, 11 (6), 409-416.
Derrington, S.C. (2005). The UNCITRAL instrument on transport law - Does Australia need it?. Australian Business Law Review, 33 (1), 70-80.
Derrington, S.C. (2005). The Hague Rules - A Lost Opportunity. The Law Quarterly Review, 121, 209-213.
Derrington, S. C. (2004). Pacific Carriers Ltd v BNP Paribas. The University of Queensland Law Journal, 23 (2), 480-484.
Derrington, Sarah (2004). Gibbs v Mercantile Mutual Insurance (2003) 199 ALR 497; (2003 77 ALJR 1396; [2003] HCA 39. MLAANZ Journal, 18, 180-182.
Derrington, S.C. (2004). El Greco(Australia) Pty Ltd v Mediterranean Shipping Company SA. MLAANZ, 18, 178-179.
Derrington, S.C. (2004). What is a policy of marine insurance? Who is an owner? Recent developments in Australian maritime law. Shipping and Transport Lawyer International, 4 (2), 24-27.
Derrington, S and White, M (2003). Australian maritime law update: 2002. Journal of Maritime Law And Commerce, 34 (3), 363-389.
Derrington, S.C. (2002). Marine insurance law in Australia: The Australian law reform comission proposals. Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, 2002 (2), 214-230.
Derrington, S. C. (2002). The reform of the Commonwealth Marine Insurance Act 1901. Journal of International Commercial Law, 127-140.
Derrington, S and White, M (2002). Australian maritime law update: 2001. Journal of Maritime Law And Commerce, 33 (July 2002), 275-291.
Derrington, S.C. (2002). Frost v Warner (2002) HCA 1. MLAANZ Journal, 16, 145-147.
Derrington, S.C. (2001). A comparative overview of the law relating to non-disclosure & misrepresentation in contracts of marine insurance and some proposals for unification. Lloyds Maritime & Commercial Law Quarterly, 2001 (1), 66-87.
Derrington, S. and White, M. W. D. (2000). Australian maritime law update: 1999. Journal of Maritime Law & Commerce, 31 (3), 435-446.
Derrington, S. C. (2000). The requirement of inducement and the concept of materiality in section 24 of the marine insurance act 1909. Insurance Law Journal, 11 (3), 236-258.
Derrington, S. C. and White, M. W. D. (1999). Australian maritime law update 1998. Journal of Maritime Law & Commerce, 30 (3), 419-430.
Conference Papers
Derrington, Sarah C. (2014). Admiralty and maritime jurisdiction in Australia: "They builded better than they knew". International Commercial Law and Arbitration Conference, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 22-23 August, 2013. Sydney, NSW, Australia: Ross Parsons Centre for Commercial, Corporate and Taxation Law, University of Sydney.
Derrington, Sarah (2010). Admiralty and insolvency. International Commercial Litigation and Dispute Resolution Conference, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 27-28 November, 2009. Sydney, NSW, Australia: Ross Parsons Centre for Commercial, Corporate and Taxation Law.
Derrington, Sarah C. and Turner, James M. (2007). Confidentiality in arbitration: The English and Australian approaches examined. 16th International Congress of Maritime Arbitrators, Singapore, 26 February - 2 March, 2007. Singapore: International Congress of Maritime Arbitrators.
Reference Entry
Derrington, Sarah C. (2008). Admiralty law.
Derrington, Sarah C. (Sarah Catherine) (1998). The law relating to non-disclosure, misrepresentation and breach of warrant in contracts of marine insurance : a case for reform. PhD Thesis, School of Law, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/340567
Derrington, Sarah C. (Sarah Catherine) (1995). Non-disclosure in contracts of marine insurance : a comparative overview. Master's Thesis, School of Law, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/340572