Researcher biography

Dr Eve Massingham was a Senior Research Fellow with the School of Law, The University of Queensland looking at the diverse ways in which the law constrains or enables autonomous functions of military platforms, systems and weapons from September 2019 - August 2022. She is the co-editor of Ensuring Respect for International Humanitarian Law (Routledge, 2020) and she has published a number of book chapters and journal articles in the fields of international humanitarian law and international law and the use of force. Eve is currently the International Committee of the Red Cross' Regional Legal Adviser for the Pacific. Eve has also worked for the International Committee of the Red Cross as the Regional Legal Adviser for East Africa and as a Policy Adviser in the Legal Division in Geneva as well as for Australian Red Cross as an International Humanitarian Law officer. She began her career at (then) Freehills (admitted 2004) and was an Associate to Justice Collier at the Federal Court of Australia. Eve has also served as an Australian Army Reserve Officer. Eve holds a Bachelor of Law (Hons) from Queensland University of Technology, a Master of International and Community Development from Deakin University, an LLM (Distinction) from King's College London and a PhD from the University of Queensland.