Researcher biography
Dr William Isdale is a barrister at Callinan Chambers in Brisbane, and an Adjunct Fellow of the UQ Law School. He has a broad commercial and public law practice.
Prior to being called to the Bar, William worked as an Associate at MinterEllison, and as a Senior Legal Officer at the Australian Law Reform Commission. Previously he has served as an Associate to the Hon. Justice Dowsett AM on the Federal Court of Australia, and before that to Commissioner Graeme Neate AM on the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission and Industrial Court of Queensland.
William holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) from the University of Queensland, a LLM in International Financial and Commercial Law from King's College London, and a PhD in Law from the University of Queensland.
He was the recipient of the Holt Prize in 2021 for his PhD thesis, which has since been published as a book by The Federation Press (https://federationpress.com.au/product/compensation-for-native-title/). His book is broadly on the topic of native title compensation, but addresses issues relating to compulsory acquisition law, statutory construction, torts relating to property, remedies, and constitutional law. His supervisors were the Hon. Justice Andrew Greenwood of the Federal Court of Australia and Dr Jonathan Fulcher.
William has been a weekly contributor to the Queensland Law Reporter, publishing in excess of 250 case notes with that publication. He has also been a contributor to the Australian Law Reports, and to the LexisNexis Native Title Service. He has published a number of academic articles on both private and public law issues in refereed journals and in other outlets.
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