Nicolas Augoustinos

Nicholas is a Senior Lecturer with The University of Notre Dame Australia School of Law, Sydney. Nicholas’ doctoral research aims to contribute to our understanding of the nature of cultural heritage law by examining:
- the impact of that law in the context of the protection of the movable and immovable heritage of the Greek Orthodox Church situated in (or sourced from) the abovementioned areas; and
- the ability of the Greek Orthodox Church to engage in the international legal regimes which have been established for the protection of cultural heritage.
In addition to cultural heritage law, Nicholas’s research interests include taxation law. He has published articles in various peer-reviewed, ERA-listed journals including the Australian Tax Review, the Australian Tax Forum, the Revenue Law Journal, the Journal of Australian Taxation and the Journal of the Australasian Tax Teachers’ Association.
HDR project title: Principles of cultural heritage law and the international guardianship of the Greek Orthodox heritage
Supervisors: Professor Craig Forrest, Professor Lucas Lixinski
Nicholas Augustinos, ‘The Protection of Cultural Heritage in the Event of Armed Conflict: the Cyprus Experience’ in N. Palmer (Ed) The Recovery of Stolen Art (Kluwer Law International, London, 1998).