Dr Pan Mohamad Faiz

Dr Pan Mohamad Faiz is an Indonesian lawyer and legal scholar who specialises in constitutional law and is currently a senior researcher at the Constitutional Court of Indonesia. He received his Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in Constitutional Law from TC Beirne School of Law, where he was a CPICL research scholar, and had completed a Master of Comparative Laws (M.C.L.) degree, concentrating in comparative constitutional law, from Faculty of Law, the University of Delhi.
In addition to his important research role, he is currently a Judicial Assistant and Speechwriter to the Chief Justices of the Indonesian Constitutional Court. He is the Vice-Chairman of the Association of Constitutional Law and Administrative Law Lecturer Chapter DKI Jakarta. He teaches on constitutional law for postgraduate students at Faculty of Law, the University of Indonesia and other private Universities.
Selected publications
A selection of his notable publications include:
Saldi Isra & Pan Mohamad Faiz, ‘The role of the constitutional court in protecting minority rights a case on traditional beliefs in Indonesia’ in Bertus de Villiers, Joseph Marko, Francesco Palermo and Sergiu Constantin (eds) Litigating the rights of minorities and indigenous peoples in domestic and international courts (2021) Brill Nijhoff, 125-148.
IDG Palguna, Saldi Isra, Pan Mohammad Faiz, ‘The Role of the Constitutional Court in Protecting Economic and Social Rights in Indonesia ’ (2021) 24 Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 1-16
Pan Mohammad Faiz, ‘The protection of civil and political rights by the constitutional court of Indonesia’ (2016) 6 Indonesian Law Review , 158
Pan Mohammad Faiz, ‘Prospect and Challenges for Adopting Constitutional Complaint and Constitutional Question in the Indonesian Constitutional Court’ (2016) 2 Constitutional Review, 103
Pan Mohammad Faiz, Legal Problems of Dualism of Judicial Review System in Indonesia (2017) 16 (2) Jurnal Dinamika Hukum, 187-195.
Pan Mohammad Faiz, ‘A Critical Analysis of Judicial Appointment Process and Tenure of Constitutional Justice in Indonesia’(2016) 2 92) Hasanuddin Law Review 152-169.
Pan Mohammad Faiz, ‘The dissolution of political parties in Indonesia: lessons learned from the European court of human rights’ (2019) 22 (4) Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 1.
For his many other publications, visit Dr Faiz on Google Scholar.