Dr Ryan Catterwell
Adjunct Senior Lecturer
TC Beirne School of Law
Affiliate of Australian Centre for Private Law
Australian Centre for Private Law
W364, Forgan Smith Building

Catterwell, Ryan (2020). A unified approach to contract interpretation. Oxford, United Kingdom: Hart Publishing. doi: 10.5040/9781509927609
Pearson, Gail, Peden, Elisabeth, Tolhurst, Greg J., Paterson, Jeannie, McCracken, Sheelagh, McNaughton, Anne, Catterwell, Ryan and Silink, Allison (2019). Commercial Law: Commentary and Materials. Sydney, NSW Australia: Thomson Reuters.
Book Chapter
Catterwell, Ryan (2021). Cognition, automation and the future of contract law. Australian contract law in the 21st century. (pp. 242-272) edited by John Eldridge and Timothy Pilkington. Alexandria, NSW Australia: Federation Press.
Journal Articles
Catterwell, Ryan (2023). The limits on intention in contract. The Law Quarterly Review, 139, 571-591.
Tiverios, N. A. and Catterwell, Ryan (2023). Implication in fact, contractual interpretation, and the continuum fallacy: Realestate.com.au Pty Ltd v Hardingham [2022] HCA 39. Journal of Contract Law, 39, 17-21.
Catterwell, Ryan (2023). Co-operation and prevention in contract law. Melbourne University Law Review, 47 (1), 114-153.
Catterwell, Ryan (2022). Autonomy and institutionalism in the law of contract. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 42 (4), 1067-1092. doi: 10.1093/ojls/gqac017
Catterwell, Ryan (2022). Frustration and assumption of risk. Journal of Business Law, 1, 76-96.
Catterwell, Ryan (2022). Frustration and assumption of risk. Journal of Business Law, 2022 (1), 76-96.
Catterwell, Ryan (2020). Purposive Contract Interpretation and the High Court. Australian Bar Review, 49, 54-81.
Catterwell, Ryan (2020). Automation in contract interpretation. Law, Innovation and Technology, 12 (1), 81-112. doi: 10.1080/17579961.2020.1727068
Babie, Paul, Brown, David, Catterwell, Ryan and Giancaspro, Mark (2020). Cryptocurrency as Property: Ruscoe v Cryptopia Ltd (in liq) [2020] NZHC 728. Australian Property Law Journal , 28, 106-122.
Catterwell, Ryan (2019). Striking a Balance in Contract Interpretation: The Primacy of the Text. Edinburgh Law Review, 23 (1), 52-74. doi: 10.3366/elr.2019.0524
Catterwell, Ryan (2012). Contract interpretation and conveyancing. Australian Law Journal, 86 (4), 223-225.
Catterwell, Ryan (2012). The ‘indirect’ use of evidence of prior negotiations and the parties’ intentions in contract construction: Part of the surrounding circumstances. Journal of Contract Law, 29, 183-207.