Dr Peter Blanchard

Dr Peter Blanchard is a sessional lecturer at TC Beirne School of Law and Teaching Fellow at University of New South Wales Law School. He has a doctorate in international trade law from the University of New South Wales Law School, a Masters degree in International Relations from Macquarie University and a B.A. in US history and economics from ANU.
Prior to completing his PhD Peter completed 30 years as a policy advisor and executive manager in both the public and private sectors in Australia. From the mid 1990s until 2011 Peter was involved in the provision of e-commerce services to the international trade and transport industries, and the financial payments industries. He is a former Deputy CEO of the Federation of Automotive Products Manufacturers and a former CEO of both the Australian Chamber of Shipping and Tradegate Australia Limited.
He has taught international trade law, international business law and Introduction to the American Legal System at the University of New South Wales.