Get Involved, Contact
If you suspect a person may be a victim of trafficking in persons, you can report this matter to the Australian Federal Police (AFP) at or by calling 131AFP (131 237).
Students (Academic Credit)
UQ Law and Political Science/International Relations students are invited to apply to enrol in the Working Group for academic credit (LAWS5213 ‘Research Project B’). The course is offered in semester 1 and 2. The syllabus outlining enrolment requirements and assessment procedures is available at the UQ Electronic Course Profiles website.
The course is designed to equip students with advanced research, communication, presentation, writing and teamwork skills. Students undertaking this course gain an in-depth understanding of trafficking in persons and migrant smuggling, including relevant policies and laws, and liaise with key stakeholders in the field. Students have an opportunity to present their research findings to an academic audience and in public forums and publish their written material.
Applications generally open in April and October for the following semester. Applications should include (1) an unofficial academic transcript; (2) a complete CV; and (3) a short statement about why you want to join this group. For further information, please contact (Law) or (Pol SC/IR).
The Working Group offers some opportunities to volunteers who wish to gain research experience and explore topics relating to trafficking in persons and migrant smuggling. Volunteers should be available to attend the weekly meetings of the working group.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please apply in writing to and include (1) an unofficial academic transcript; (2) a complete CV; and (3) a short statement about why you want to join this group. Applications are accepted at any time, but places available for volunteers are limited.
Offers of sponsorship or partnership with other related organisations are always welcomed. There are also opportunities to schedule seminars and other events which feature presentations or other material produced by the Working Group. For further information, please contact Dr Andreas Schloenhardt at
For all other inquiries, please contact:
Email: | | |
Mail: | Professor Andreas Schloenhardt The University of Queensland TC Beirne School of Law Brisbane (Qld) 4072 Australia |
Phone: | (61) 07 3365 6191 |