Each year the most outstanding graduate will be selected by the Head of the Law School after consultation with the President of the University of Queensland Law Society.

Eligible students are those who will graduate, or have graduated, in 2025 and who satisfy the following criteria:

  • have an overall GPA of at least 5.5 in all completed LAWS courses
  • have been positively and actively involved in:
    • (a) the life of the Law School or the Society
    • (b) the broader community
  • do not hold the office of the President of the University of Queensland Law Society.

The award will be made to the applicant with the best overall performance in the criteria listed above.

The prize is a cast medal and inscription on the honour board displayed in the Law Library.

Applications for the prize should be lodged with the Head of the Law School by no later than 5.00pm on 1 December 2025.  Applications should be in the form of a letter addressing the criteria.  The letter should be forwarded to scholarships@law.uq.edu.au.