An exciting partnership between the UQ TC Beirne School of Law and the Indonesian Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Faculty of Law was celebrated last Monday at UQ.
Professor Sarah Derrington, Dean of Law and Head of the TC Beirne School of Law, said the partnership was an excellent opportunity for students in the new age of global legal practice.
“From 2016, UGM Master of Laws students will have the chance to complete two masters’ degrees in two years – from both UGM and UQ – in the time it would normally take to complete one,” she said.
“Participating students will also experience the unique Australian culture and lifestyle during a semester abroad at UQ.
“We look forward to welcoming UGM students to UQ and to expanding our relationship with UGM in the future.”
Faculty of Business, Economics & Law (BEL) representatives welcomed Professor Muhammad Hawin, Dean – Faculty of Law, Mr Andi Sandi Antonius Tabusassa Tonralipu, Vice Dean for Collaboration and Alumni Affairs and Mr Ikhwan Arif Ahmad, Librarian, from UGM.
During their visit, the UGM delegates met with Faculty and Law staff including Professor Derrington, Professor Fiona Rohde, Deputy Dean – Academic and Professor Simon Bronitt, Deputy Dean – Research.
The group discussed program arrangements as well as potential academic staff visits and other short-term student mobility opportunities in Yogyakarta and Brisbane.