His Excellency Ambassador David Stuart travelled to Strobl, south of Salzburg, to meet 18 UQ law students participating in the summer school of the University of Vienna. Now in its 68th year, 99 students from over 25 countries participate in the summer school which offers specialised courses on European Union Law, Arbitration, and International Law.
UQ has a particularly close research and teaching cooperation with the University of Vienna and over 40 law students participate in the exchange between the two universities each year.
This is the third visit of Ambassador Stuart to the summer school and he has been a significant supporter of of the collaboration between the universities.
In September 2016, 15 law students from UQ and the University of Vienna will participate in a further joint course on trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants offered by UQ criminal law Professor Dr Andreas Schloenhardt and Professor Dr Susanne Reindl-Krauskopf of the University of Vienna who recently received an honorary professorship at UQ.
Find out more about the summer school: www.uq.edu.au/uqadvantage/university-of-vienna-summer-school and http://shs.univie.ac.at/shs