Conscience and Human Depravity: An Examination of John Calvin's Natural Law Theory
Humans aren’t perfect – we’re flawed, and we make mistakes. What's more, this fallibility is part and parcel of our humanity. But if that’s so – how can we ever be sure about our moral decisions? Are we capable of discerning right from wrong? The idea of ‘conscience’ may hold the answers.
Defining conscience as the ‘spark that still shines’, John Calvin maintains that, however darkened, human nature still retains sufficient knowledge for moral reasoning. This seminar will examine Calvin’s account of ‘conscience’, to see what authority it can provide for a theory of moral law in an ever-fallen world.
The Australian Legal Philosophy Students' Association is pleased to invite you to the final installment of the Semester 1 ALPSA Seminar series. Please join us on Thursday 31st May from 6pm, with refreshments and a discussion to follow the seminar.
About the speaker
Constance Youngwon Lee teaches jurisprudence and constitutional law at the University of Queensland, is currently undertaking a PhD in Calvin's natural law theory, and is an all-round jurisprude. She currently practices in the areas of criminal law and civil litigation, and her interests dwell in the interplay of law with theology and philosophy.
Presentation recording
Constance Youngwon Lee, TC Beirne School of Law, YouTube, 29m:40s