Reimagining IP Law

26 April 2018 6:00pm8:00pm
Presenter: Ms Jocelyn Bosse, PhD student at the TC Beirne School of Law and a former Treasurer of ALPSA

Natural Law in the 21st Century

18 April 2018 6:00pm8:00pm
Presenter: Professor Jonathan Crowe, Bond University
Tobacco and the WTO

Tobacco and the WTO

29 August 2017 5:30pm8:00pm
The Australian Legal Philosophy Students' Association and the UQ Law, Science and Technology program are pleased to host the third seminar of 2017. We will be joined by Professor Mark Davison, who will discuss the nature of 'rights' under international trademark law.

ALPSA Corporate Governance Seminar

28 March 2017 6:00pm9:00pm
In this technological age, it has become almost impossible to "know it all" when it comes to the law. In the ever-changing landscape of evolving law in the twenty-first century, now, more than ever, practising lawyers must be equipped with the skills to understand the principles which underpin the laws they will analyse, apply, and advise upon.


28 February 2017 6:00pm8:00pm
Tickets are $3 (+ $2 ALPSA membership).
Includes food (veg options available) and soft drink. This event will be alcohol-free. Tickets can be bought at the door.