Presented by the Hon John Dowsett AM, President of the National Native Title Tribunal

The Right Honourable Sir Garfield Barwick AK GCMG was born in Sydney in 1903. He was called to the Bar in 1927 and took silk in 1942. He became one of Australia's most successful commercial barristers and had a reputation as a brilliant orator. He appeared in many high-profile cases.

In 1958 Sir Garfield was elected Liberal member for Parramatta in the Australian Parliament and served as both Attorney-General and Minister for External Affairs in the Menzies government. Following his time in Parliament, Sir Garfield was appointed Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia, a post which he held for a record 17 years.

Join us for refreshments in the Portrait Gallery after the lecture.

CPD points: 1 point per hour, self-assessed (BAQ and QLS)


Level 3
415 George Street
Brisbane, QLD, 4000
The Banco Court, Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law