Visiting academics

The TC Beirne School of Law welcomes applications from potential academic visitors. This scheme is intended for academics at other institutions who wish to spend a period of time at the School and have a clear research plan.

About these guidelines

These guidelines should be followed where the applicant is self-funded (that is, can cover the costs of the visit from personal research funds or a grant) or is seeking travel funding from the School.

Applicants requiring a letter of support from The University of Queensland to obtain external funding or to participate in an established exchange program – for example, a program administered by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) or the Fulbright Commission – should contact the school at at the earliest opportunity.

Potential visiting doctoral candidates should refer to the guidance provided by the Graduate School.


Visiting academics may arrive at any time during the year, except over the Christmas/New Year period when the campus is closed (approximately 20 December to 5 January).

Visiting Scholars

Self-funded applicants may request to spend between 4 weeks and 6 months at the School as Visiting Scholars. Applications for longer periods may be considered exceptionally for compelling reasons.

Visiting Scholar applications need to be submitted at least 3 months before the intended visit. The applications will be considered by the Deputy Dean (Research) and will be approved subject to the availability of desk space and the alignment of the research project with the activities of the School.

Visiting Scholars may be allocated an office or a desk in a shared office, and will be given access to the University’s library.

Visiting Fellows

A small number of UQ-funded Visiting Fellowships are available for scholars of international standing to undertake visits of 4 to 6 weeks. Financial support of up to AUD 5,000 can be awarded to assist in meeting the costs of economy class travel to and from Brisbane, and accommodation in Brisbane. A detailed budget and the total amount of funding requested are required as part the application. Funds awarded will be made available by way of a reimbursement of duly documented costs.

Visiting Fellow applications need to be submitted by the following deadlines:

  • 30 April – with respect to visits commencing January through June of the following year;
  • 30 October – with respect to visits commencing July through December of the following year.

The applications will be considered by the School Research Committee and assessed based on the following criteria:

  • the applicant’s research track record, relative to opportunity;
  • the quality of the planned research project and the expected outcomes;
  • the extent to which the applicant would contribute to the intellectual life of the School; and
  • the potential for furthering ongoing links with the School.

Visiting Fellows will be allocated an office or a desk in a shared office, and will be given access to the University’s library.


Visiting Scholars and Visiting Fellows are expected to contribute to the intellectual life of the School. Depending on the length of the visit and the area of research, this may involve giving a guest seminar or lecture, participating in a panel discussion, serving as a commentator for a paper, meeting with PhD candidates and early career researchers, etc.

Application process

The applicant should discuss the intended visit in the first instance with an academic staff member of the School, and secure their support for the visit. In the event of difficulties identifying a staff member with an aligned research interest, the school may be contacted for assistance at

The applicant will then need to submit Visiting Academic Form – Part A (PHP?ID=98, 9.6 KB) along with the attachments specified on the form to If the applicant wishes to be considered for a UQ-funded Visiting Fellowship, they will also need to also enclose a detailed budget.

A member of the academic staff of the school supporting the visit will need to submit Visiting Academic/Visiting Research Student – Supervisor Application Form (PHP?ID=98, 9.6 KB) to

Approved applicants will be informed in writing within two months, along with confirmation of the dates and information regarding the visit.

Immigration Requirements

Please note that official sponsorship by The University of Queensland is required by the Australian Government for academic visitors to obtain a visa for longer than 3 months. The process can take several months, so international visitors requiring a visa are advised to begin planning for their visit as early as possible.