R U Ok banner

Got a class at 2pm? Come along beforehand!  Finishing class at 1:50pm? Head along after with your classmates and academics!

Here at UQ Law School we recognise that university and life can be full of stress.

We also recognise that being part of a community does have a significant and positive effect on mental health and emotional wellbeing. Having people to talk to and depend on, and making new connections helps to reduce the risk of mental ill-health and mental illness for students.

As such, we want to help you build your community and connections on campus. With community in mind here at the Law School, let’s start with a conversation with your friends and fellow students - R U OK?

There will be board games, free (and hot) food, tea and coffee and cold drinks available to attendees throughout the lunch. There will be space for you, your friends and fellow law students to come together to chat, or just grab a snack.

Find out more about asking R U OK? (PDF, 3.4 MB)


Please register for this event for catering purposes.

Register now



Level 3, West Wing
Forgan-Smith Building
UQ St Lucia
Sir Gerard Brennan Boardroom (W353)