Smuggling of Unaccompanied Minors: Causes and Conditions, International Law, and Domestic Contexts
HDR Candidate: Joseph Lelliott
Advisors: Prof Andreas Schloenhardt (Principal) and Assoc Prof Peter William Billings (Associate)
Title: Smuggling of Unaccompanied Minors: Causes and Conditions, International Law, and Domestic Contexts
Abstract: The thesis concerns the smuggling of unaccompanied minors. It examines the phenomenon’s causes and conditions, including the reasons for unaccompanied minors to migrate and engage the services of migrant smugglers, and the dangers they encounter during the smuggling process. The international legal framework relevant to their protection, and criminalisation of those who smuggle them, is elaborated and analysed. Smuggling of unaccompanied minors is further contextualised in five domestic jurisdictions, including Australia, Austria, Italy, South Africa, and the United States. The thesis elucidates the special vulnerabilities and protection needs of such minors, and describes how deficits in international norms and domestic frameworks compromise their safety and well-being.
Level 3, Forgan Smith Building
The University of Queensland, St Lucia