Chou v State of Queensland (Queensland Health) [2021] QIRC 153
Date: 11 May 2021
Court/Tribunal: Queensland Industrial Relations Commission
Judicial Officer/Tribunal Member: McLennan IC
Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld) Sections: N/A
Rights Considered: N/A
Other Legislation: Acts Interpretation Act 1954 (Qld) s 14A; Industrial Relations Act 2016 (Qld) ss 562B, 562C, 564; Public Service Act 2008 (Qld) ss 120, 149, 149C, 194, 196, 197; Statutory Instruments Act 1992 (Qld) ss 7, 14
Keywords: Education, Training and Employment
This case concerned an appeal against a deemed decision not to convert the appellant to a higher classification position. The Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld) was referred to in a quoted passage from ‘Directive 13/20 Appointing a public service employee to a higher classification level’. However, there was no substantive discussion of human rights in the reasons.
Visit the judgment: Chou v State of Queensland (Queensland Health) [2021] QIRC 153