The Attorney-General Australia, Senator George Brandis QC, has announced Professor Heather Douglas from The University of Queensland TC Beirne School of Law, will develop a National domestic violence benchbook in partnership with the Australasian Institute of Judicial Administration. Benchbooks already exist in many Australian jurisdictions however they are generally focused on state legal responses. Some jurisdictions already have benchbooks dedicated specifically to family violence while other jurisdictions have benchbooks that include material relevant to family violence matters. These materials would be drawn upon to develop the National Family Violence benchbook to inform legal practitioners (judicial officers, solicitors and barristers) and key stakeholders such as the Family Court of Australia; Federal CircuitCourt, Australian Institute of Criminology, Department of social Services, State and Territory Attorneys-General Departments.
The Bench book will be developed in line with the National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and their Children, with Professor Douglas leading a team including Kate Chapple.