The Australian Centre for Private Law (ACPL) is dedicated to advancing the development and understanding of private law through cutting-edge research, education, and professional outreach.

Below are upcoming events that delve into the latest developments and emerging discussions in the field of private law.

Damages for Misuse of Private Information

27 March 2025 9:00am
Join Dr Eleni Katsampouka, legal academic researching and teaching private law at Kings College London, as she presents her insights on Damages for Misuse of Private Information.
A paper tunnel of torn black paper with a white crumpled silhouette of a downturned head

Non-Pecuniary Loss as Loss of Wellbeing

9 April 2025 1:00pm2:00pm
Join Dr Andrew Fell as he discusses his working paper considering the implications of theories of wellbeing for the law’s conception of non-pecuniary loss.

Corporate Accountability and Global Supply Chains: Lessons from Litigation in the English Courts

18 April 2025 12:00pm1:00pm
Join Dr Ekaterina Aristova as she traces the legal developments and broader implications of emerging case law regarding Corporate Accountability and Global Supply Chains.
hand shake

Proscriptive or prescriptive? The neverending debate about fiduciary duties

29 May 2025 1:00pm2:00pm
Join Lucas Clover Alcolea in exploring how the Canadian approach, which views fiduciary duties as prescriptive rather than merely proscriptive, is emerging as a 'new orthodoxy' in fiduciary law, influencing jurisdictions like Singapore and New Zealand.
A red book, taller and sticking out from the blue books that surround it.

Fiduciaries - the subject that doesn’t fit in

26 June 2025 1:00pm2:00pm
Professor Warren Swain from the University of Auckland explores how the lack of attention given to fiduciary liability during the emergence of legal literature in the nineteenth century is still being felt today.
close up of someone signing contract

Understanding Contractual Remoteness

27 August 2025 12:00pm1:00pm
Join Associate Professor David Winterton from Hong Kong University for his presentation on Understanding Contractual Remoteness.
Woman hiding her face outside a building

The interaction between defamation and privacy

1 October 2025 1:00pm2:00pm
Professor David Rolph of the University of Sydney discusses the contentious topic of damages for reputational harm in claims for misuse of private information.
Two people looking at a contract

Informal contracts: Too many techniques spoil the broth

13 March 2025 1:00pm2:00pm
Join Dr. Ryan Catterwell, barrister and expert in contract law, as he presents insights into the coherence of informal contract frameworks and their broader implications for contract law.
Grenfell building on fire

The Grenfell Fire and the Building Safety Act 2022 sections 123 & 124 Procedural Opportunities and Challenges for Leaseholders

18 October 2024 1:00pm2:00pm
Join Professor Simone Degeling (UNSW) and Professor Jodi Gardner (University of Auckland) as they discuss the legal lessons to be learned from the 2017 Grenfell Fire tragedy.
graphic of motherboard with cloud representing data

Intellectual Property Workshop – Registers and Data IP

2 October 2024 12:00pm1:45pm
Join Professor Robert Burrell (University of Oxford and Melbourne Law School) and Dr Wenting Cheng (UQ Law School) for a workshop covering trade mark law and data IP insights from a Chinese regulatory experiment.
close up of hands tearing up a contract

Invalidity, Inefficacy, and Sanction in the Private Civil Law Tradition. On the loss of Contractual Effects due to the Inefficacy of Contracts.

29 August 2024 12:00pm1:00pm
Rodrigo Alfredo Parra Salamanca from the University of Girona discusses the flattening use of the term ‘sanction’, and how to move away from the consequences of that classification.
Legal scales

Two models of the person in law

15 August 2024 1:00pm2:00pm
Professor Eric Descheemaeker, University of Melbourne, explores 2 models of the concept of person-at-law, and the implications these have for corporations, animals, and elements of nature.
law gavel and a bundle of money

Re-engineering the Concept of Damage

31 July 2024 1:00pm2:00pm
What should “damage” mean in tort law? Tony Zhou examines two different goals recently articulated in some pockets of the jurisprudential literature.
barrister's wig on notebook

Equity: Filling Much-Needed Gaps?

25 July 2024 1:00pm2:00pm
Justices of the UK Supreme Court have given renewed prominence to the role of Equity to 'put right injustice to which the law is otherwise blind'. Professor Ben McFarlane discusses the benefits and dangers of these views.
small Lady justice statue and gavel on a desk.

Rights of Action in Private Law: Paradigms, Exceptions and Justifications?

10 July 2024 1:00pm2:00pm
UQ's Professor Kit Barker begins exploring the configuration of rights of action in private law by clarifying this paradigm, identifying exceptions and examining the normative relationship between primary rights and rights of action.
Sky line of buildings

Queensland Property Law Reforms – the New Property Law Act

29 May 2024 11:00am12:30pm
The Property Law Act 2023 (Qld) received royal assent on 2 November 2023 and commences on a day to be fixed by proclamation.
UQ Forgan Smith building

Circumscribing lawful act duress in Australia: Edelman's disproportionality, Hodge’s unconscionability and Burrows’ bad faith working paper

17 April 2024 1:00pm2:00pm
The High Court of Australia is yet to recognise a doctrine of lawful act duress, but this development seems likely to be only a matter of time.
A judge's gavel lying on the concrete ground

Uncommon and Unordinary Nuisance: The Implications of the Fearn Decision for Australian Law

3 April 2024 1:00pm2:00pm
The judgment of the United Kingdom Supreme Court in Fearn v Board of Trustees of The Tate Gallery is significant for at least two reasons.
discarded surgical mask on a deserted cobblestone pedestrian street

Unnecessary and Insufficient Factual Causes in the Law

14 September 2023 5:30pm
Presented by Professor Jane Stapleton KC (Hon) FBA, together with a commentary by Patrick Keane AC KC.

A Risk by Any Other Name

10 August 2023 2:00pm3:00pm
Professor Jodi Gardner analyses if volenti should be abolished and a clearer distinction developed between actions of defendants and that of plaintiffs.
Serious busy mid aged professional business man wearing suit holding corporate documents reading paper contract sitting at desk in office.

Remedies Impacting Rights: How the Availability of Specific Performance Impacts Assessment of Common Law Damages

5 July 2023 1:00pm2:00pm
This paper considers the question of whether (and if so, how) a promisee’s choice whether or not to try to enforce a contract by seeking an order for specific performance can bear upon the damages he or she obtains for the contract’s breach.
Close up photo of hands pointing at a contract

The Application of Contracts

29 June 2023 1:00pm2:00pm
Dr Ryan Catterwell analyses the nature of contract application, examining the aim of the process and its mechanics, and explaining why and how we apply a contract.
Lady of justice

Life and Death in Private Law 2.0

22 June 2023 1:00pm5:00pm
Professor Kit Barker, Dr Andrew Fell, Dr Gregory Dale and Professor Mark Lunney discuss life and death in private law.
Man standing at the front of a white lecture room

Teaching Contract: My Way

31 May 2023 1:00pm2:00pm
Prof David McLauchlan introduces participants to the book that he is presently writing, entitled Teaching Contract: My Way. The seminar will be of interest to teachers of all private law subjects, not just the law of contract.
A women's hand next to a small wooden house

The Role of the Married Femme Sole: Deserted Wives, Property and Coverture in the Nineteenth Century

11 May 2023 1:00pm2:00pm
Join Professor Danaya Wright from The University of Florida as she discusses deserted wives, property and coverture in the nineteenth century.
wooden blocks with legal symbols on them.

Property as the Law of Institutional Artefacts

27 April 2023 1:00pm2:00pm
Using insights from the intersection of social ontology and the philosophy of material culture, Dr Kate Falconer will argue that the ‘thing’ at the centre of property rights is not in fact (or rather, not just) the ‘thing’ itself, but rather an institutional rendering of that object into an institutional artefact.