Helen Gregorczuk

Helen Gregorczuk has worked across Queensland and UK government as a policy advisor in information law, transport and disability services. She has tutored in constitutional and administrative law at Griffith University law school and has been a parliamentary researcher, a privacy and information law specialist and a compliance manager. She has also worked as a privacy consultant and occupied a variety of roles at the Queensland Information Commissioner and UK Information Commissioner’s Office. She has a specialism in information law, administrative law and environmental law and currently works as the privacy and information governance lead for Metro North Hospital and Health Service. She holds a Bachelor of Laws and Master of Laws degrees from QUT and spent a year as an undergraduate at the University of Toronto.
Helen’s research is looking at the technologies employed by bricks and mortar retailers to gather and analyse vast quantities of customer data in the context of the Privacy Act. Her thesis questions how ‘fair collection’ of personal information should be interpreted to ensure adequate protection of individual privacy in a digital world where Big Data, surveillance capitalism and the data-driven economy are becoming the norm.
HDR project title: An Exploration and Reconsideration of Fair Collection under the Australian Privacy Act in the Context of Retail Analytics and Big Data
Supervisors: Dr Alan Gregory Davidson, Dr Rebecca Ananian-Welsh
Forthcoming Publications
Journal Articles
‘Transparency and Proportionality: A Two-Step Approach to Assessing Fairness in the Privacy Act’ (2023) 49(3) Monash University Law Review (forthcoming)