Researcher biography

I am a Research Fellow at the TC Beirne School of Law, University of Queensland, with an interdisciplinary background spanning molecular biology, philosophy of science, and the study of scientific practices. My research focuses on unraveling the complex dynamics of power, ethics, and knowledge production within scientific institutions.

With a Ph.D. in Philosophy of Science from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), my doctoral thesis, "Biobanks in Mexico: Aspects of the Economy of Scientific Capital," explored the intricate relationships between biological sample management, scientific capital, and the broader scientific landscape.

Currently, I am engaged in research projects associated with the ARC Centre of Excellence for Plant Success in Nature and Agriculture and the ARC Centre of Excellence in Quantum Biotechnology, investigating the intricacies of authorship, recognition, and credit distribution within cross-disciplinary scientific collaborations.

My research employs qualitative methods such as ethnography, participant observation and interviews to shed light on the interplay of scientific practices, intellectual property, and the sociological dimensions of research. I have contributed to the field through publications in journals and edited volumes, as well as presentations at international conferences.

Throughout my career, I have held various roles, including managing a molecular diagnostic service, conducting research and development in the private sector, and teaching at the university level.