Adjunct Professor Michael White OAM KC
BCom Qld, LLB Qld, Grad Cert Higher Ed Qld, PhD Bond, LLD Qld
Adjunct Professor
TC Beirne School of Law

Previously, Lieutenant Commander in the Royal Australian Navy. Graduated B.Com. (1973 Qld) and LLB (1974 Qld), PhD (Law) (1994, Bond), Grad.Cert.Higher Ed,(Qld), LLD (2016, Qld). Barrister for 24 years in Brisbane, and made Queen's Counsel in 1988. Full time academic at UQ from 1999 – 2004 at TC Beirne School of Law, foundation Executive Director of The Centre for Maritime Law, now The Marine & Shipping Law Unit. Has published widely in maritime law and history and has held various offices in maritime and other organizations. Awarded OAM in the Australian Honours List January 2016 for contribution to maritime law and naval history.
View a complete list of Dr White's publications (PDF, 202.1 KB)
White, Michael (2018). UQ Lawyers Lost in World War II. St Lucia, QLD, Australia: T. C. Beirne School of Law, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/724754
White, Michael (2016). 19th Century Pioneer: Frank Villeneuve Nicholson Family in Australia. St Lucia QLD, Australia: Dr Michael White OAM QC.
White, Michael (2016). TC Beirne School of Law: A History. 2nd ed. Brisbane, Australia: TC Beirne School of Law, The University of Queensland.
White, Michael (2015). Australian submarines: a history. 2nd ed. St Kilda, VIC, Australia: Australian Teachers of Media.
White, Michael (2014). Australian Maritime Law. 3rd ed. Sydney, Australia: Federation Press.
White, Michael and Rahemtula, Aladin (2011). Supreme Court History Program Yearbook 2010. Brisbane, Australia: Supreme Court of Queensland Library.
White, Michael W.D. and Rahemtula, Aladin (2010). Queensland's constitution past, present and future. Brisbane, Australia: Supreme Court of Queensland Library.
Michael White and Aladin Rahemtula (2010). Supreme Court History Program Yearbook 2009. 1st ed. Brisbane: Supreme Court Library Queensland.
White, Michael W. D. (2009). Australian offshore laws. Annandale, NSW, Australia: The Federation Press.
Michael White and Aladin Rahemttula (2009). Supreme Court History Program Year Book 2008. 1st ed. Brisbane: Supreme Court of Queensland Library.
Michael White and Aladin Rahemtula (2008). Supreme Court History Program Book Year 2007. 1st ed. Brisbane: Supreme Court of Queensland Library.
White, Michael W. D. (2007). Australasian marine pollution laws. 2nd ed. Annandale, NSW, Australia: The Federation Press.
White, Michael, Gawrych, Ryan and Saunders, Kay (2006). TC Beirne School of Law: 70th anniversary. St Lucia, Qld: TC Beirne School of Law.
Michael White and Aladin Rahemtula (2006). Supreme Court History Program Yearbook 2005. 1st ed. Brisbane: Supreme Court of Queensland Library.
Michael White and Aladin Rahemtula (2003). Queensland Judges on the High Court. 1st ed. Brisbane: Supreme Court of Queensland Library.
Michael White and Aladin Rahemtula (2002). Sir Samuel Griffith: The Law and the Constitution. 1st ed. Australia: Lawbook Company.
White, M. W. D. and Rahemtula, A. (2002). Sir Samuel Griffith: The law and the constitution. 1 ed. Australia: Lawbook Company.
White, M. W. D. (2000). Australian Maritime Law. NSW: The Federation Press.
White, M. W. D. (Michael William Duckett) (1990). An early settler : the Duckett White family in Australia. Ashgrove, Qld.: Hennessy Investments.
Book Chapters
Cassar, Samara and White, Michael (2019). Timor-Leste and australian maritime boundary: an ongoing saga (Timor-Leste and the Australian Maritime Boundary: An Ongoing Saga). Libro conmemorativo de los Doscientos Años de creación de la Corte de Almirantazgo de Venezuela (Commemorative Book of Two Hundred Years of Creation of the Court of Almirantazgo in Venezuela). (pp. 355-384) edited by Gustavo Omana. Caracas, Venezuela: Asociación Venezolana de Derecho Marítimo.
White, Michael W. D. (2013). 100 years of submarines: a lasting legacy. Navy outlook: international fleet review. (pp. 231-235) Sydney, Australia: Faircount Media Group.
Cogliati-Bantz, Vincent, Derrington, Sarah, Forrest, Craig, Gaskell, Nick and White, Michael (2012). Marine oil and gas pollution spills in Australian waters. The regulation of international shipping: international and comparative perspectives: essays in honor of Edgar Gold. (pp. 371-400) edited by Aldo Chircop, Norman Letalik, Ted L. McDorman and Susan J. Rolston. Leiden, Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. doi: 10.1163/9789004202443
White, Michael (2011). Offshore Oil and Gas Catastrophes: Montara Spill and Australian Offshore Oil and Gas Regulatory Laws. International Commercial Law; Litigation and Arbitration. (pp. 125-144) Sydney, Australia: Ross Parsons Centre for Commercial, Corporate and Taxation Law, University of Sydney.
White, Michael (2011). Offshore oil and gas catastrophes: Montara spill and Australian offshore oil and gas regulatory laws. International commercial law, litigation and arbitration: Conference proceedings. (pp. 125-144) edited by K.E. Lindgren and N. Perram. Sydney, Australia: Ross Parsons Centre for Commercial, Corporate and Taxation Law, University of Sydney.
White, Michael (2011). Australian submarines: Past and present. 100 Years of the Royal Australian Navy. (pp. 128-138) edited by Charles Oldham. Bondi Junction, NSW, Australia: Faircount Media.
White, Michael (2007). Prompt Release Cases in ITLOS. Law of the Sea, Environmental Law and Settlement of Disputes: Liber Amicorum Judge Thomas A. Mensah. (pp. 1025-1052) edited by Thomas A. Mensah, T. Malick Ndiaye and R. Wolfrum. Leiden, Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
White, M. W. D. (2004). Time immemorial. Table talk of the Selden Society in Queensland : Papers delivered at the annual general meetings of the Selden Society Bribane, 1989-2004. (pp. 1-16) edited by Michael White and Aladin Rahemtula. Brisbane, Qld, Australia: Supreme Court of Queensland Library.
White, M. W. D. (2002). QGSY Lucinda and its significance to the Australian constitution. Sir Samuel Griffith: The Law and the Constitution. (pp. 135-170) edited by Michael White QC and Aladin Rahemtula. NSW: Thomson Law Book Company.
White, M. W. D. (2002). Marine pollution from ships: international conventions and Australian laws. Pollution Law in Australia. (pp. 382-429) edited by Zada Lipman and Gerry Bates. NSW: Lexis Nexis Butterworths.
White, M. W. D. (2001). Case Study of Australia. Vessel-source Pollution & Coastal State Jurisdiction. (pp. 147-168) edited by Erik Franckx. The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International.
White, M. W. D. (2000). Navigational rights in sensitive marine environments: The Great Barrier Reef. Navigational Rights and Freedoms and the New Law of the Sea. (pp. 230-262) edited by D. R. Rothwell and S. Bateman. The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International.
White, M. W. D. (2000). Constitutional background and jurisdiction of courts. Australian maritime law. (pp. 1-25) edited by M. W. D. White. NSW: The Federation Press.
White, M. W. D. (2000). Limitation of liability. Australian Maritime Law. (pp. 1-469) edited by M. W. D. White. NSW: The Federation Press.
White, M. W. D. (2000). Salvage, towage, wreck & pilotage. Australian Maritime Law. (pp. 1-469) edited by M.W.D. White. New South Wales: The Federation Press.
White, M. W. D. (2000). Prize, prize salvage, bounty & ransom. Australian Maritime Law. (pp. 1-469) edited by M. W. D. White. NSW: The Federation Press.
Journal Articles
Zhong, Hui and White, Michael (2017). South China Sea; its importance for shipping, trade, energy and fisheries. Asia-Pacific Journal of Ocean Law and Policy, 2 (1), 9-24. doi: 10.1163/24519391-00201003
White, Michael W. D. (2016). Lt the Hon Leopold Scarlett RAN/RN. Queensland History Journal, 23 (1), 19-31.
White, Michael (2013). Pacific Adventurer oil spill: lessons past and future. Australian Law Journal, 87 (5), 320-330.
White, Michael and Humphrey, Lauren (2012). Australian Maritime Law Update 2011. Australian and New Zealand Maritime Law Journal, 26 (2), 172-192.
White, Michael and Molloy, Alex (2011). Australian maritime law update: 2010. Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, 42 (3), 315-348.
White, Michael and Gaskell, Nick (2011). Australia's offshore constitutional law: Time for revision?. Australian Law Journal, 85 (8), 504-520.
White, Michael (2011). Australia's offshore legal jurisdiction: Part 1 - History and development. Australian and New Zealand Maritime Law Journal, 25 (1), 3-18.
White, Michael (2011). Australia's offshore legal jurisdiction: Part 2 - Current situation. Australian and New Zealand Maritime Law Journal, 25 (1), 19-34.
White, Michael (2011). Australia's Offshore Legal Jurisdiction: Current Situation. Australian and New Zealand Maritime Law Journal
White, Michael and Molloy, Alex (2010). Australian maritime law update: 2009. Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, 41 (3), 283-315.
White, Michael W. D. (2010). History of the Garrick Chair at the TC Beirne School of Law. University of Queensland Law Journal, 29 (2), 335-346.
White, Michael W. D. (2010). Australian Maritime Law Update 2009. Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, 41 (3), 283-315.
White, Michael W. D. and Gibson, Rosemary (2010). Fisheries and automatic forfeiture of vessels: Draconian commonwealth laws. Australian Law Journal, 84 (5), 319-344.
White, Michael and Glover, Peter (2009). Australian Maritime Law Update: 2008. Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, 40 (3), 337-366.
Bateman, Sam and White, Michael (2009). Compulsory pilotage in the Torres Strait: Overcoming unacceptable risks to a sensitive marine environment. Ocean Development and International Law, 40 (2), 184-203. doi: 10.1080/00908320902864797
White, Michael and Forrest, Craig (2008). Australian Maritime Law Update: 2007 General Maritime issues. Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, 39 (3), 333-360.
White, M. (2008). Whaling in Australian waters by the Japanese fleet: legal issues. Journal of International Maritime Law, 14 (1), 41-48.
White, M. (2007). Australian Maritime Law update: 2006 Part I General maritime issues. Journal of Maritime Law And Commerce, 38 (3), 293-308.
Black, M. and White, M. (2007). The QGSY Lucinda and the Constitution: The Federal Court's painting of the 'Lucinda at Farm Cove, Easter Day 1891'. Australian Bar Review, 30 (1), 24-32.
Forrest, C. J. S. and White, M. (2006). Australian Maritime Law update: 2005. Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, 37 (3), 299-329.
White, Michael and Goss, Ryan (2005). Australian maritime law update: 2004. Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, 36 (3), 253-277.
White, M. W. D. (2005). Obituary - Justice R E Cooper. Australian Law Journal, 79 (7), 463-464.
White, Michael W. D. (2005). Justice R E Cooper. Australian Law Journal, 79 (7), 463-464.
White, M. W. D. and Knight, Stephen J. (2005). Illegal fishing in Australian waters: The use of UNCLOS by Australian courts. The Journal of International Maritime Law, 11 (2), 110-125.
White, Michael (2004). Australian courts of law. University of Queensland Law Journal, 23 (2), 515-519.
White, M and Knight, S (2004). Australian Maritime Law Update: 2003. Journal of Maritime Law And Commerce, 35 (5), 313-340.
White, M. W. D. (2004). Tampa incident: Shipping, international and maritime legal issues. Australian Law Journal, 78 (2), 101-113.
White, Michael (2004). The development of the divided profession in Queensland. University of Queensland Law Journal, 23 (2), 296-318.
White, M. W. D. (2004). Tampa incident: Some subsequent legal issues. Australian Law Journal, 78 (4), 249-261.
White, M. W. D. and Knight, S. (2003). Recent developments in Australian maritime legislation. Maritime Studies, 128, 28-30.
Derrington, S and White, M (2003). Australian maritime law update: 2002. Journal of Maritime Law And Commerce, 34 (3), 363-389.
White, M. W. D. (2003). Morrison v Peacock (the Sitka II) (2002) 76 ALJR 1545. Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand (MLAANZ) Journal, 17, 135-136.
White, M. W. D. and Knight, S. (2003). ITLOS and the 'Volga' case: The Russian federation v Australia. Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand Journal, 17, 39-53.
White, M. W. D. and Knight, S. (2003). Ship and port security - IMO and the ISPS code. Asia-Pacific Shipping, 3 (12), 27-27.
White, M. W. D. and Knight, S. J. (2003). Marine safety issues in the IMO. Asia Pacific Shipping, 3 (11), 30-30.
White, M. (2003). Liability for damage to the marine environment from ships. Dalhousie Law Journal, 26 (1), 231-271.
White, M. W. D. (2003). M/V Tampa incident and shipping: obligations of a coastal state. Indian Journal of International Law, 43 (2), 314-331.
White, M. W. D. (2002). The Volga case: comment. Maritime Studies, 127 (Nov./Dec), 19-21.
White, Michael, Rahemtula, Aladin and Petzl, Nicola (2002). Recording and preserving legal history. Australian Bar Review, 23 (1), 75-81.
Derrington, S and White, M (2002). Australian maritime law update: 2001. Journal of Maritime Law And Commerce, 33 (July 2002), 275-291.
White, M. W. D. (2002). M/V Tampa incident and Australia's obligations - August 2001. Maritime Studies, 122 (Jan/Feb2002), 7-17.
White, M. W. D. (2001). Centenary of federation: Queensland lawyers and Griffith and the constitution. The Australian Law Journal, 75, 280-282.
White, M. W. D. (2001). 'Tampa' and the Christmas Island Incident. Asia Pacific Shipping, 20 (1), 15-16.
White, M and Weeks, J (2001). Australian maritime law update: 2000. Journal of Maritime Law And Commerce, 32 (3), 371-397.
Derrington, S. and White, M. W. D. (2000). Australian maritime law update: 1999. Journal of Maritime Law & Commerce, 31 (3), 435-446.
White, M. W. D. (2000). Review of navigation act 1912: Final report to Australian government, dept. of transport & regional service. Review of the Navigation Act 1912, 10.
White, M. W. D. (2000). Marine pollution from ships: The Australian legal regime. Currents, IX (1), 3-16.
White, M. W. D. (2000). Judicial appointments: including the role of the attorney-general. Australian Bar Review, 20 (2), 115-161.
White, Michael (1999). Sensitive marine environments and the regulation of shipping: The Great Barrier Reef experience. Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law, 4 (3), 219-241.
Derrington, S. C. and White, M. W. D. (1999). Australian maritime law update 1998. Journal of Maritime Law & Commerce, 30 (3), 419-430.
White, M. W. D. (1999). The Iran Amanat case and its precedent. Australian Ships & Ports, June 1999 (-), 32-33.
White, M. W. D. (1999). Sensitive marine environments and the regulation of shipping: The great barrier. Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law, 4 (3), 1-24.
White, M. W. D. (1999). Offshore craft & structures: A proposed international convention. Australian Mining & Petroleum Law Journal, 18 (1), 21-27.
White, M. W. D. (1999). Itlos: The first two classes. International Law News, 41, 8-17.
White, M. W. D. (1999). The new international tribunal for the law of the sea. Maritime Studies, 105 (March/April), 1-4.
White, M. W. D. (1999). Oil spills are always a worry. Reef Research, 19 (3), 5.
Conference Papers
White, Michael W. D. (2011). The Montara Oil Spill. Australian Federal Court Commercial Conference, Sydney Australia, 5-7 May 2011.
White, Michael (2011). Offshore oil and gas catastrophes: Montara spill and Australian offshore oil and gas regulatory laws. Conference on International Commercial Law, Litigation and Arbitration, Sydney , Australia, 5-7 May 2011. Sydney , Australia: Ross Parsons Centre of Commercial, Corporate and Taxation Law, 2011.
White, M. W. D. (2003). What is Australia's maritime future?. Ausmarine East 2003 Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 28-30 October 2003. Melbourne, Australia: Baird Publications.
White, M. W. D. (2001). Shipping. Australia Canada Ocean Research Network Workshop, Vancouver, Canada, 10,11 December 2000. Tasmania: Coop. Research Centre for Antarctica & the Southern Ocn.
White, M. W. D. (2001). Australian offshore oil & gas: Seabed and water column issues. Australia-Canada Ocean Research Network Workshop, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 10,11 December 2000. Tasmania: Coop Research Centre for Antartica & the Southern Ocean.
White, M. W. D. (1999). The desirability of a proper legal framework for national & international fisheries. Second Asia-Pacific Fishing Conference, Cairns, Qld, 6,7 July 1999. Melbourne: Baird Publications.