Globalisation and the rapid technological development occurring in the digital world have significantly altered the way business is conducted, including how firms compete, interact with other firms and distribute their goods and services, and how consumers search for and purchase goods and services. The inquiries with regard to online sale and e-commerce have been increasing. However, competition law and its policy have not fully addressed the features of the digital world and the digital economy.

This research project aims to study the specific features of the digital world with regard to interactions and competing in digital ecosystems, new ways of restricting competition and power utilised at the vertical level, bargaining power, and compare and analyse related competition law and policy approaches and concepts.

This research theme includes The University of Queensland UQ Early Career Researcher Project ‘Competition Law and Vertical Interactions in Digital Age’ (The University of Queensland UQ Early Career Researcher Grant, 2018).

Project members

Dr Barbora Jedlickova

Senior Lecturer
TC Beirne School of Law