The project aims to assess the policing and enforcement of public order crimes and related offences (e.g. obstruct/disobey police, breach of bail, and minor property offences) on individuals experiencing poverty and homelessness. The project endeavours to collect and analyse qualitative data from across Australia on the lived experience of people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, regarding the impact of criminal laws and police powers concerned with presence in, and movement around public places. It will particularly focus on the impact on women, children and Indigenous peoples. The outcomes will seek to reduce the criminalisation of homeless people, by identifying law and policy reform options, and comparing their cost with that of 'business as usual'.


Professor Tamara Walsh

Professor Luke McNamara

Associate Professor Julia Quilter

Associate Professor Thalia Anthony

Project partners

Queensland Public Interest Law Clearing House Incorporated

Public Interest Advocacy Centre Ltd

Justice Connect

Canberra Community Law

Hobart Community Legal Service

Street Law Centre WA Incorporated

Darwin Community Legal Service Inc

Townsville Community Legal Service Inc

Welfare Rights Centre Inc

Illawarra Legal Centre Inc