Courses offered Summer Semester 2024/2025


Undergraduate Courses

Course code

Course name

Course coordinator

Standard or TP

Internal/ ExternalDepartment Consent?


Advanced Research

Dr Vicky Comino

Standard semester 



LAWS5183Research Project ADr Vicky CominoStandard semesterInternalYes
LAWS5212Alternative Dispute ResolutionA/Prof Radha Ivory / Ms Anne-Marie RiceTeaching Period 1 (offered in intensive mode)InternalNo
LAWS5233Transnational Perspectives in LawA/Prof Francesca BartlettStandard semesterInternalYes


Postgraduate Courses

Course code

Course name

Course coordinator

Standard or TP

Internal/ ExternalDepartment Consent?


Supervised Research Project

Prof. Peter Billings

Standard semester

Internal & External



Dissertation A

Prof. Peter Billings

Standard semester

Internal & External


Note: For LAWS7825 and LAWS7944

Download the Research project/dissertation application form.


Important Information

  • Some students may not be eligible for credit for the courses listed above.  Check your program rules to ensure eligibility for credit.
  • The Summer Semester maximum study load is restricted to six units.
  • For information regarding Summer Semester fees refer to myUQ > Manage my program or call 3365 2600 for assistance.

For further information or assistance

  • Undergraduate students requiring assistance with course selection or confirmation of eligibility to gain credit for any of these courses – email your Student Experience Officer at 
  • Undergraduate students with other queries regarding the courses on offer – please email
  • Postgraduate coursework students with queries - please email