Each year, UQ Law is pleased to welcome several leading academic and professional visitors to the school.

Our visitors are selected for their expertise and/or established research profiles. Students are encouraged to take advantage of their presence in the school by enrolling in the courses listed below.

Ms Anne-Marie Rice

Anne-Marie Rice is a director of Rice Dispute Resolution and the principal mediator at Rice Mediations. With 20 years experience in Family Law, she is an accredited specialist in family law, a nationally accredited mediator and a registered FDRP and Arbitrator. Since 2012 Anne-Marie has been routinely recognised by her peers as one of Queensland’s best family lawyers and family law mediators.

The 2018 WLAQ Leneen Ford AC Woman Lawyer of the Year, Anne-Marie has been an executive member of some of Queensland’s and Australia’s leading legal organisations including the QLS Practice Management and Specialist Accreditation Committees and The Family Law Practitioners Association of Qld. She is the current Qld Solicitor representative on the Executive of the Family Law Section of the Law Council of Australia.

Anne-Marie is committed to dispute resolution without recourse to trial and regularly trains practitioners around the country in mediation, arbitration and collaborative practice (a model in which she has consistently worked for over 10 years). Her focus is on the practical application of a “positive approach” to problem solving and her engaging presentations invite audiences to embrace the concept that conflict can be resolved without combat.

Anne-Marie regularly presents at local, national and international conferences and, as well as writing for both academic and industry publications on topics related to Family Law, Dispute Resolution and “Positive Problem Solving”, she is a consultant author to the CCH’s Family Law Service and the Master Family Law Guide.

Ms Anne-Marie Rice will be teaching LAWS7851 Mediation and Conflict Management.

Mr Ben Gardiner KC

Mr Ben Gardiner KC is a barrister specialising in intellectual property law.  His practice includes the full scope of intellectual property disputes: patents, copyright, trade marks, designs, passing off/breach of the Australian Consumer Law and breach of confidence.  He has appeared on behalf of, and advised, clients across a range of industries including pharmaceuticals, medical, mining, fast moving consumer goods, fashion, gaming, information technology and primary industries.  He appears regularly before the Federal Court of Australia, including the Full Court, and IP Australia (Australian Patents Office and Australian Trade Marks Office). 

Before joining the Bar, Ben was associate to the Honourable Michael Black AC, who was then the Chief Justice of the Federal Court.  Prior to that, he was a practising pharmacist.

Ben has degrees in pharmacy, business and law and completed post-graduate studies in law (BCL) at the University of Oxford in 2005.

Mr Ben Gardiner will be teaching LAWS5206 Copyright Law.

Dr James Munro

James Munro has worked as a lawyer at the World Trade Organization on international trade litigation at both the panel and appellate stages. He has also practised in the fields of international trade and investment law for the Australian Government, including advising on the compatibility of major policy reforms with international economic law, as well as on free trade agreements and serving as negotiator and legal counsel on various major trade and environment treaty negotiations. As the principal legal counsel to Australia’s Anti-Dumping Commission, James ran the practice advising on investigations into allegations of unfair international trade. James has published a number of peer-reviewed contributions on subjects relating to international trade and investment law, and holds a PhD from the University of Melbourne in this field.

Dr James Munro will be teaching LAWS7853 Law of the World Trade Organisation

Honorary Professor Gary Campbell

Professor Gary Campbell, FHEA, is an Honorary Professor with The University of Queensland and has practised law for over 30 years. He has a solid background in energy and resources law, international business law and commercial dispute resolution.

Gary worked for Feez Ruthning (now Allens) in Australia and as a partner/solicitor in the top tier law firms Dentons Wilde Sapte (Dentons), Vinson & Elkins and Clifford Chance in London. Gary is ranked as a leading practitioner in the Legal 500 (UK).

Gary previously taught at the University of Melbourne, at the University of Technology Sydney and at the UQ Business School. Gary has a Masters in Law from The University of Sydney.

Honorary Professor Gary Campbell is certified by Advance HE as a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, in recognition of his professional practice, impact and leadership in teaching and learning through his sessional academic career contributions at University undergraduate and post graduate levels.

Honorary Professor Gary Campbell will be teaching LAWS7028 International Commercial Dispute Resolution

Honorary Professor William MacNeil

Professor William MacNeil, FAAL, is an Honorary Professor of Law at the TC Beirne School of Law, University of Queensland. A former dean of law at both Southern Cross University and the Griffith Law School, he held professorial chairs at each – notably as the inaugural The Honourable John Dowd Chair in Law at SCU – as well as academic appointments at Victoria University (Melbourne), the University of Hong Kong and the London School of Economics.

Trained in both literature (Toronto) and law (Dalhousie, London, Columbia), his most recent book, Novel Judgements; Legal Theory as Fiction, won the Penny Pether Prize for Scholarship in Law, Literature and the Humanities. He is a founding editor of the book series, Edinburgh Critical Studies in Law, Literature and the Humanities, the Co-Managing Editor of Polemos: A Journal of Law, Literature and Culture and Senior Editorial Consultant for Legalities: The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Law and Society.

He has held visiting appointments at Amherst, Birkbeck London, Helsinki, Hong Kong Shue Yan, IDC Herzliya, Ljubljana, McGill, Erasmus Rotterdam, Sydney, Texas at Austin, and Tsinghua. Professor MacNeil is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Law and a former Chair of the Council of Australian Law Deans.

Honorary Professor William MacNeil will be teaching LAWS5182 Special Topic A - Topic: Law and Literature

Mr Kent Blore

Mr Kent Blore will be teaching LAWS7722 Current Issues in Public Law - Topic: Protecting Human Rights in the Public Sector

Ms Kathryn McMillan KC

Ms Kathryn McMillan will be teaching LAWS7722 Current Issues in Public Law - Topic: Protecting Human Rights in the Public Sector

Ms Anne-Marie Rice

Anne-Marie Rice is a director of Rice Dispute Resolution and the principal mediator at Rice Mediations. With 20 years experience in Family Law, she is an accredited specialist in family law, a nationally accredited mediator and a registered FDRP and Arbitrator. Since 2012 Anne-Marie has been routinely recognised by her peers as one of Queensland’s best family lawyers and family law mediators.

The 2018 WLAQ Leneen Ford AC Woman Lawyer of the Year, Anne-Marie has been an executive member of some of Queensland’s and Australia’s leading legal organisations including the QLS Practice Management and Specialist Accreditation Committees and The Family Law Practitioners Association of Qld. She is the current Qld Solicitor representative on the Executive of the Family Law Section of the Law Council of Australia.

Anne-Marie is committed to dispute resolution without recourse to trial and regularly trains practitioners around the country in mediation, arbitration and collaborative practice (a model in which she has consistently worked for over 10 years). Her focus is on the practical application of a “positive approach” to problem solving and her engaging presentations invite audiences to embrace the concept that conflict can be resolved without combat.

Anne-Marie regularly presents at local, national and international conferences and, as well as writing for both academic and industry publications on topics related to Family Law, Dispute Resolution and “Positive Problem Solving”, she is a consultant author to the CCH’s Family Law Service and the Master Family Law Guide.

Ms Anne-Marie Rice will be teaching LAWS7851 Mediation and Conflict Management.

Mr Ben Gardiner KC

Mr Ben Gardiner KC is a barrister specialising in intellectual property law.  His practice includes the full scope of intellectual property disputes: patents, copyright, trade marks, designs, passing off/breach of the Australian Consumer Law and breach of confidence.  He has appeared on behalf of, and advised, clients across a range of industries including pharmaceuticals, medical, mining, fast moving consumer goods, fashion, gaming, information technology and primary industries.  He appears regularly before the Federal Court of Australia, including the Full Court, and IP Australia (Australian Patents Office and Australian Trade Marks Office). 

Before joining the Bar, Ben was associate to the Honourable Michael Black AC, who was then the Chief Justice of the Federal Court.  Prior to that, he was a practising pharmacist.

Ben has degrees in pharmacy, business and law and completed post-graduate studies in law (BCL) at the University of Oxford in 2005.

Mr Ben Gardiner will be teaching LAWS5206 Copyright Law.

Adjunct Professor John Mckenna KC

Barrister; President, University of Queensland Law Graduates Association; Chairman, Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for the State of Queensland; Chairman, History and Publications Sub-Committee of the Supreme Court of Queensland Library; Hon Secretary (Qld), Association of Rhodes Scholars in Australia; Editor Queensland Legal Yearbook (from 2011); Author Supreme Court of Queensland: A Concise History (2012, UQP).

Mr John McKenna QC will be teaching LAWS7721 Advanced Civil Litigation

Dr James Munro

James Munro has worked as a lawyer at the World Trade Organization on international trade litigation at both the panel and appellate stages. He has also practised in the fields of international trade and investment law for the Australian Government, including advising on the compatibility of major policy reforms with international economic law, as well as on free trade agreements and serving as negotiator and legal counsel on various major trade and environment treaty negotiations. As the principal legal counsel to Australia’s Anti-Dumping Commission, James ran the practice advising on investigations into allegations of unfair international trade. James has published a number of peer-reviewed contributions on subjects relating to international trade and investment law, and holds a PhD from the University of Melbourne in this field.

Dr James Munro will be teaching LAWS7853 Law of the World Trade Organisation

Adjunct Professor Jonathan Fulcher

Adjunct Professor Jonathan Fulcher is one of Australia's leading native title and cultural heritage lawyers, and applies his extensive resources, native title and cultural heritage experience to mining, oil and gas transactions, infrastructure developments, joint venture arrangements, and asset and share sales and acquisitions across Australia and internationally.

Adjunct Professor Jonathan Fulcher will be teaching LAWS7805 Natural Resources Law

Mr Gary Campbell

Gary Campbell has practised law for over 30 years. He has a solid background in energy and resources law, international business law and commercial dispute resolution. 

Gary worked for Feez Ruthning (now Allens) in Australia and as a partner/solicitor in the top tier law firms Dentons Wilde Sapte, Vinson & Elkins and Clifford Chance in London. Gary is ranked as a leading practitioner in the Legal 500 (UK).

Gary previously taught at the University of Melbourne, at the University of Technology Sydney and at the UQ Business School. Gary has a Masters in Law from The University of Sydney.

He is certified by Advance HE as a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, in recognition of his professional practice, impact and leadership in teaching and learning through his sessional academic career contributions at University undergraduate and post graduate levels.

Mr Gary Campbell will be teaching LAWS7028 International Commercial Dispute Resolution

Ms Anne-Marie Rice

Anne-Marie Rice is a director of Rice Dispute Resolution and the principal mediator at Rice Mediations. With 20 years experience in Family Law, she is an accredited specialist in family law, a nationally accredited mediator and a registered FDRP and Arbitrator. Since 2012 Anne-Marie has been routinely recognised by her peers as one of Queensland’s best family lawyers and family law mediators.

The 2018 WLAQ Leneen Ford AC Woman Lawyer of the Year, Anne-Marie has been an executive member of some of Queensland’s and Australia’s leading legal organisations including the QLS Practice Management and Specialist Accreditation Committees and The Family Law Practitioners Association of Qld. She is the current Qld Solicitor representative on the Executive of the Family Law Section of the Law Council of Australia.

Anne-Marie is committed to dispute resolution without recourse to trial and regularly trains practitioners around the country in mediation, arbitration and collaborative practice (a model in which she has consistently worked for over 10 years). Her focus is on the practical application of a “positive approach” to problem solving and her engaging presentations invite audiences to embrace the concept that conflict can be resolved without combat.

Anne-Marie regularly presents at local, national and international conferences and, as well as writing for both academic and industry publications on topics related to Family Law, Dispute Resolution and “Positive Problem Solving”, she is a consultant author to the CCH’s Family Law Service and the Master Family Law Guide.

Ms Anne-Marie Rice will be teaching LAWS7851 Mediation and Conflict Management.

Dr Paul O'Shea

A solicitor for 30 years, Paul O’Shea is the principal of O’Shea Lawyers specialising in commercial and consumer law. Dr O’Shea was a Senior Lecturer at the TC Beirne School of Law at the University of Queensland. He is the author of Credit, Consumers and the Law published by Routledge of London which describes him as “One of Australia’s leading researchers in consumer law.” He  is the current author of the title “Mortgages and Securities” for Halsbury’s Laws of Australia and The Legal Environment of Business (Thomson Reuters, 2006) and numerous articles and book chapters on commercial and consumer law including a chapter on “Regulatory Consistency and Powers” in Consumer Law and Policy in Australia and New Zealand (Federation Press, 2014). He has also taught at Griffith University, Monash-Mt Eliza Business School in Melbourne and in Singapore, Brunei, Thailand and the Shanghai Institute for Foreign Trade in China. His project Simplification of Disclosure in Consumer Credit: Empirical Research and Redesign was the largest and most comprehensive experimental study into pre-contractual disclosure ever conducted in Australia. Its recommendations were the basis for reforms in the National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment (Home Loans and Credit Cards) Act 2011. His publications have been cited with approval in judgments of three state supreme courts. 
He has conducted some of the leading cases in consumer credit law as well as advised governments, consumer groups, external dispute resolution schemes and industry on consumer credit and financial services law. He is a member of the Investment, Life Insurance and Stockbroking Panel of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority and both the Banking and Finance and Competition and Consumer Law Committees of the Queensland Law Society.

Dr Paul O'Shea will be teaching LAWS5136 Commercial Law.

Dr Serge Loode

Serge is a practitioner, trainer and academic working in conflict resolution and peacebuilding. Originally from Germany, Serge worked as a civil law lawyer before developing his conflict resolution practice. He has an LLM degree in Dispute Management Law and a PhD in Social Science, both from the University of Queensland.

At university Serge teaches academic courses in Mediation, Negotiation and Theories of Conflict Resolution.

Serge is an experienced facilitator, conflict resolution trainer and assessor, as well as a nationally accredited mediator under the National Mediator Accreditation System (NMAS). Serge conducts workshops for understanding conflict, negotiation & mediation skills, group facilitation, intercultural conflict resolution and leadership and teamwork. He also facilitates dialogue and strategic planning workshops. Serge has mediated workplace disputes and community conflicts and has worked with a variety of clients, including local and state government, businesses, primary and secondary schools and community groups. He regularly trains mediators and conciliators from a number of Queensland government agencies and councils.

Serge’s facilitation methods focus on building relationships across difference, managing uncertainty and understanding complexity. He uses methods like Creative Dialogue & Design (CDD), World Café Conversations, Open Space Technology, Appreciative Inquiry, Action Research and other innovative facilitation and analysis methods.

Internationally Serge has worked on conflict resolution, peacebuilding and development issues with people from the Philippines, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, South and South-East Asia and with participants from various African countries.

Dr Serge Loode will be teaching LAWS7841 Theories in Dispute Resolution

Ms Fiona Candy

Fiona Candy is a professional support lawyer in White & Case’s Paris office providing additional support for the Paris and international arbitration practice. Prior to joining White & Case, Fiona worked at a Magic Circle firm as Knowledge Management Lawyer for their Arbitration group, after having worked there as a lawyer for several years in international arbitration. Fiona has over the past years also been working in the area of ESG and, in particular, climate change. She monitors legal and market developments in this field and assists in reporting on these to clients as well as internally. Fiona more generally supports the Firm’s ESG & Sustainability Specialty Practice and Climate Change Disputes focus group.

Ms Fiona Candy will be teaching LAWS7725 Current Issues in Legal Practice - Topic: ESG, Business and the Law

Ms Allana Docking

Allana Docking is the ESG and Sustainability Business Development Lead at global law firm White & Case, based in Hong Kong. Originally from Adelaide, she has fifteen years of experience in senior roles, focused on business development and strategy, in Hong Kong, the UK and Australia. While at White & Case in London and Hong Kong, Allana has worked closely with teams of lawyers in the energy, infrastructure, mining and metals and smart cities groups and now focuses her time on ESG, with environmental, business and human rights, climate change disputes, energy transition, sustainable finance and public company advisory lawyers. She is particularly interested in contributing to the work needed to curb climate change and modern slavery and embed strong ESG principles and metrics in business. Allana is a member of the Firm’s Responsible Business Committee and plays an active role in the Hong Kong Pro Bono and Corporate Social Responsibility Committee. She is a mentor with FT Women in Business Asia Forum and the Asian University for Women and an advisory board member of a social enterprise, focused on global supply chain labour compliance.

Ms Allana Docking will be teaching LAWS7725 Current Issues in Legal Practice - Topic: ESG, Business and the Law

Mr Paul Tracey

Paul Tracey is admitted as a solicitor in NSW, Queensland and Victoria and is called as a barrister of The Middle Temple. He is also a member ad eundem of Lincoln’s Inn and The Inner Temple.

He has also been called as an advocate of the Royal Court of Jersey and is admitted as  a solicitor with higher rights of audience in England and Wales.

He has practised in London, Jersey (the Channel Islands) and Sydney specialising in trusts and succession disputes and trusts and succession advice and structuring.

He also has extensive experience in commercial fraud and asset tracing litigation and all aspects of company law including breaches of directors’ duties, shareholder disputes and claims arising out of corporate insolvency, particularly in respect of recovery of corporate assets or losses from former directors and third parties.  

He is a member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP).

Paul holds Master of Laws degrees from each of the Queensland University of Technology, the University of Queensland, and the University of London. He has previously lectured in trusts and equity at the University of Sydney and has presented on aspects of international trust litigation for STEP in Hong Kong, Singapore and Sydney and the Association of Contentious Trust and Probate Specialists in London.

He also has experience in commercial arbitration and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and a Member of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators.

Mr Paul Tracey will be teaching LAWS5130 Succession Law and LAWS7721 Advanced Law of Trusts and Trustees

Mr Samuel Walpole

Samuel Walpole is a barrister practising in commercial, regulatory and public law. He has a particular interest in Admiralty and maritime, administrative, corporate and civil regulation, corporate and white collar crime, equity and trusts, financial services, insolvency and information law matters.

Samuel was previously an Associate to the Hon Chief Justice Allsop AO of the Federal Court of Australia and to the Hon Justice Philippides of the Queensland Court of Appeal. He also worked at the Australian Law Reform Commission in the areas of Corporate Crime and Financial Services Regulation.

Samuel holds Bachelors of Arts and Laws (First Class Honours) degrees from the University of Queensland, from which he graduated as Law Valedictorian and with the University Medal in Law. He subsequently read for the Bachelor of Civil Law at Wadham College, Oxford as an Oxford-Hackney Scholar, graduating with Distinction.

Samuel is an Adjunct Fellow at the University of Queensland, where he lectures in the postgraduate Commercial Equity Course. He has published in a number of domestic and international journals, including the Law Quarterly ReviewSydney Law ReviewLloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law QuarterlyAustralian Journal of Corporate LawAustralian Journal of Administrative LawCompany and Securities Law JournalPublic LawPublic Law Review and Trusts & Trustees. With two colleagues, he is also presently editing a collection of essays entitled The Law of Civil Penalties, to be published in 2023.

Samuel is also a Director of the UQ Law Alumni Association, and a Fellow of the Australian Centre for Private Law.

Mr Samuel Walpole will be teaching LAWS7835 Commercial Equity Litigation