The TC Beirne School of Law celebrated the School’s outstanding research outputs and acknowledged excellence in research on Thursday, 18 September during UQ Research Week. The night included presentation of the TCB Excellence in Research Award and the Owen Fletcher Postgraduate Award.
This year’s TCB Excellence in Research Award recipient was Professor Jennifer Corrin. Jennifer is an ARC Future Fellow researching on law reform and development in plural legal regimes. The Award recognises her outstanding research record and contribution to research within the School, including her service as Director, Centre of Public, International and Comparative Law, and membership on the School Research Committee.
The Owen Fletcher Award was presented for the best research publication for a postgraduate student. This year the Award was given jointly to Peta Stephenson and Garth Wooler, for their international publications:
- Peta Stephenson, ‘Justice Mason in the Australian Assistance Plan Case (1975): Nationhood, Federalism and Commonwealth Executive Power’ in Andrew Lynch (ed), Great Australian Dissents (CUP 2016 forthcoming) 169-188
- Garth Wooler, ‘The New “Asplenium Clause” – Unconscionability Unwound?’ [2016] Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 169-182
Acknowledged on the night was Laura Gutuso, PhD and 2015 recipient of the Owen Fletcher Award, who sadly passed away last year. Her husband, Shaheen Shah, attended the event.
The event included a display of recently published monographs and a presentation on the excellent research outputs of the School in recent years. The School of Law’s weighted publication per academic FTE was the highest for all schools at The University of Queensland in 2015 and the School’s category 1 research income per academic FTE positioned the School as the top law school in Australia.

Deputy Dean (Research) Professor Simon Bronitt noted the importance of recently published books and the influence they have in informing lawyers and judges, policy-makers and law reform bodies.
Recently published books include:
Ananian-Welsh, Rebecca, Appleby, Gabrielle and Lynch, Andrew The Tim Carmody affair: Australia's greatest judicial crisis. Sydney, New South Wales: NewSouth, 2016.
James Edelman and Elise Bant Unjust Enrichment. Bloomsbury: Hart Publishing, 2016.
R Ananian-Welsh, J Crowe (eds), Judicial Independence in Australia: Contemporary Challenges, Future Directions (Federation Press, Sydney 2016)
K Barker, K Fairweather, R Grantham (eds), Private Law in the Twenty-First Century (Hart, Oxford 2016)
K Barker, S Degeling, K Fairweather, R Grantham (eds) Private Law and Power (Hart, Oxford 2016)
S Derrington, J Turner, The Law and Practice of Admiralty Matters (2nd edn Oxford University Press, United Kingdom 2016)
H Douglas, Website: National Domestic and Family Violence Bench Book : Part 1., AIJA, Melbourne, 18 August 2016, (2016)
B Jedlickova, Resale Price Maintenance and Vertical Territorial Restrictions: Theory and Practice in EU Competition Law and US Antitrust Law (Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, UK 2016)
R Levy, G Orr, The Law of Deliberative Democracy (Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, UK 2016)
A Schloenhardt, Legislative Guide for the Implementation of the United Nations Conventions Against Transnational Organized Crime (2nd edn United Nations New York, Vienna, Austria 2016)
N Aroney and others, The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia: History, Principle and Interpretation (Cambridge University Press, Melbourne 2015)
M White, Australian Submarines: A History (2nd edn Australian Teachers of Media - ATOM, St Kilda West 2015)
K Barker, W Swain, R Grantham, The Law of Misstatements (Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2015)
Q Liu, W Shan, X Ren, China and International Commercial Dispute Resolution (Brill, Netherlands 2015)
Q Liu, E McKendrick, Contract Law (Palgrave Macmillan, UK 2015)
A Davidson, Social Media and Electronic Commerce Law (Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom 2015)
J Corrin, D Bamford, Courts and Civil Procedure in the South Pacific (2nd edn Intersentia Co, United Kingdom 2015)