The ODPP WEPP offers students the opportunity to gain direct experience in criminal law.  Students interested in applying for the WEPP must have a genuine interest in criminal law, demonstrate they can work both in a team and autonomously, have highly developed written and oral communication skills and are in at least their second year of a law degree or are completing Practical Legal Training (PLT).

The ODPP has the ability to host students in a number of locations including Brisbane, Beenleigh, Cairns, Ipswich, Maroochydore, Rockhampton, Southport, Toowoomba and Townsville.

About the WEPP

  • The ODPP WEPP is a four-week, full-time, unpaid placement.
  • Students will be allocated to a Chamber (work unit either in Brisbane or a regional location) for the duration of their placement. 
  • Students should note that reimbursement of travel costs associated with participation will not be paid by the ODPP or the university.

The program offers students the opportunity to:

  • Experience the professional environment of a busy criminal law practice.
  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the ODPP and its role and functions within the criminal justice system.
  • Work alongside and learn from some of the most senior and experienced criminal lawyers and barristers in Queensland.
  • Assess their own performance and gain insight into their ‘professional self’. 
  • Gain an insight into the preparation of real criminal cases.
  • Be involved in a range of activities – from opening and closing files, preparation for mentions and callovers to accompanying prosecutors to Court.

What the ODPP look for:

  • Have an interest in criminal law.
  • Demonstrate you can work in a team and autonomously.
  • Have highly developed written and oral communication skills.

The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions intends to host three WEPP intakes this year held over Winter, Spring and Summer.

IntakeWEPP DatesApplications close

16 June 2025 - 11 July 2025

5:00pm, 4 April 2025

Applications are due to UQ BEL Careers and Employability for the Summer program by 5:00pm Friday 4 April 2025.

  1. Complete the WEPP Application Form (DOCX, 274.5 KB) 
  2. Compile the following in a single PDF document:
    1. WEPP Application Form
    2. Current CV (maximum 2 pages)
    3. Academic Transcript 
  3. Submit your single PDF document via StudentHub by 5:00pm Friday 4 April 2025.

Priscilla Gyasi-Agyei

Bachelor of Law/Bachelor of Commerce

Travis Irons

“I applied for the ODPP Summer Work Experience Placement Program because, after completing the Criminal Law course, I developed a greater appreciation of criminal law. I wanted to understand the criminal justice system in depth and gain insight into working in criminal law.

During the placement, I had the opportunity to attend Magistrates Court and Mental Health Court hearings and District and Supreme Court trials. I was able to observe various stages of trials, such as jury selection, cross examination, and sentence. I was also able to assist with instructing in court, alongside a Crown Prosecutor. Apart from attending court, I opened files, which involved corresponding with defence lawyers and Queensland Police; I was also involved in file preparation and closing. 

I benefited from working in a collaborative and welcoming environment with Legal Support Officers, Legal Officers and Crown Prosecutors. I also learned about other ODPP units, including Victim Liaison, Confiscations, and Records. I enjoyed being immersed in a criminal law environment. This allowed me to quickly learn practical aspects of the criminal law that I would not have otherwise been exposed to.

I would recommend other students to consider the ODPP Work Experience Placement Program because it will allow them to encounter the practical side of criminal law and to be exposed to a wide variety of criminal law matters. It is a very diverse experience, which allows students to engage in discussions with fellow students and lawyers and correspond with police and defence. Before participating in the program, I would recommend gaining a basic understanding of court protocols to assist when attending court.”