We partner with a wide range of community legal centres to offer you one of the most diverse clinical legal education programs in Australia. Each clinic offers you the opportunity to work in a social justice setting for academic credit through the elective law course, LAWS5180 Clinical Legal Education.

During your clinical placement, you will spend one day per week during semester undertaking legal work under the close supervision of experienced lawyers.

You must apply for a place in the Clinical Legal Education Program for the next semester. 

The majority of clinics will only take undergraduates that have completed at least sixteen (16) units of LAWS courses, however, there are clinics that may take third year students. There is no minimum GPA required to participate in LAWS5180. Priority is given to students who are soon to graduate, and who demonstrate a genuine interest in social justice (including through participation in UQ Pro Bono Centre projects).

This page is for our semester-based clinical program. If you would like to read about our regional clinical program, please click here

3. Selection

We consider several factors in selecting students.

Your interest and GPA

The online application form asks you about your motivation for applying to participate in the CLE Program, as well as any prior work experience you have undertaken.

Generally, students who can demonstrate a genuine interest in community legal work will be preferred to those who apply for other reasons, such as career advancement or as an ‘easy’ elective option. Students who can provide specific examples of pro bono activity or work experience in the subject area of the clinic for which they are applying will be strongly considered. An example may be a student who participates in a local environmental group and who applies for the Environmental Law Clinic, or a student who assists with the Rosie’s Street Van who applies for the Homeless Persons’ Legal Clinic. Demonstrated experience is not essential, but again, it is a consideration that will be taken into account.

There is no minimum GPA required to participate in LAWS5180. Priority is given to students who are soon to graduate, and who demonstrate a genuine interest in social justice (including through participation in UQ Pro Bono Centre projects).

Although there is no GPA cut-off for the CLE Program, a strong academic performance is one consideration that will be taken into account. You must provide an accurate LAWS GPA on the form (the Law School may check the GPA provided against student SI-net records).  LAWS GPA is calculated on the first attempt at all LAWS courses which count towards the degree. Find out how to calculate your GPA.

Year level

Students in their final or penultimate semester of study will often be selected over more junior students (but this is not always the case).  The main reason is that students in their third or fourth years of study will still have the opportunity to apply for the CLE Program again in future semesters, whereas for final year students this may be their last chance.  You are still encouraged to apply.  All applications are recorded, and your prior unsuccessful application may be positively regarded as an indication of your genuine desire and commitment to participate in the CLE Program.

Overseas opportunity

Through the elective law course LAWS5233 Transnational Perspectives in Law, students have the opportunity to engage in inter-jurisdictional learning in different parts of the world.

New Columbo Plan grants are available for a limited number of law students to undertake LAWS5233 internships.