Jessup cup Applications for the 2025 UQ Jessup Team are now closed.

The Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition (Jessup) is the world’s oldest and largest international mooting competition, now running for 70 years with over 700 law schools from all over the world regularly competing. The competition involves teams, each with up to 5 law students, making written and oral submissions on a detailed problem involving issues of international law.

The Jessup moot competition is extremely competitive.  Because of the number of teams competing each year, national and regional qualifying rounds are organised around the world.  The Australian qualifying rounds are normally held in Canberra in February.  The Australian final is normally held in the High Court of Australia and is presided over by a Justice of the High Court. UQ teams have an extraordinarily proud history in the Jessup moot competition, being one of the most successful Australian teams in the international finals in Washington, DC.

The Jessup season officially begins in September and ends in April after the completion of the White & Case International Rounds.


Note: Students may apply to more than one moot without prejudice to their applications. For those students applying for more than one international moot, please email your preferences to

Competitors will need to ensure they are available to travel in February (national rounds) and April (international rounds) to attend the competition.

The Law School will cover the cost of accommodation in Canberra and Washington for the duration of the competition.

Competitors will also receive a student support payment, that should substantially cover the cost of their domestic and international return airfares.

Students participating in the Jessup Moot will be automatically eligible for 2# of course credit.

Some domestic and international competitions are eligible for course credit under LAWS5208 Moot A, and LAWS5209 Moot B.

The Jessup International Law Moot has it's own course code of LAWS5165. However, students are only permitted to receive course credit for a maximum of two competitions.

Therefore LAWS5209 Moot B will be incompatible with LAWS5165 Jessup International Law Moot. If you have any questions about this, please email

What if I'm only a first year student?

UQ has selected first year students in the past but this has been rare. The Jessup competition is tough and it is generally better for students to have completed at least one or two years of law study.

What if I don’t have any mooting experience?

Whilst it is a mooting competition and mooting and debating experience is valuable, it is not essential. Previous successful UQ Jessup teams have included members who did not initially have mooting experience. All members of the team will be required to moot on numerous occasions as the team prepares for the competition. There is no better way to get mooting experience than competing in the Jessup competition. It should also be emphasised that there is a significant written component in the competition (2 written submissions or “memorials” must be prepared – a total of about 24 000 words). We’re always looking for at least 1 or 2 fantastic researchers for team selection, although the whole team must be involved in drafting the written submissions.

What if I haven’t yet studied international law?

Selection does not depend on having previously studied international law. It certainly helps but many successful Jessup mooters have been selected without having first studied international law. It is more work for such students as they need to do extra background reading but the Jessup problem is always very specialised and goes into issues in much more detail than would be possible in a general course on international law.

How much work is involved and when is the work the heaviest?

The competition involves an immense amount of hard work if you want to be successful. For example, dedicated teams may hold approximately 25 practice moots as they prepare for Canberra. The work load is heaviest in December and January, with spikes in activity prior to the due date for the written submissions (normally early January) and before departure for Canberra.

I'm planning to do a summer clerkship, is that compatible with competing in the Jessup moot competition?

It is very hard to balance a December or January clerkship with Jessup moot participation. Students have tried it in the past, often unsuccessfully. It must be remembered that major law firms have sponsored Jessup moot participation at UQ. These firms have been keenly aware of the hard work done by Jessup mooters and have valued Jessup moot participation extremely highly for the research and advocacy skills that Jessup mooters invariably develop. UQ teams are often invited to moot at the offices of firms in the city as they prepare for Canberra. A large number of former UQ Jessup mooters now work for these firms and the partners and associates at the firms now include former Jessup mooters. Far from doing harm to potential career prospects, Jessup moot participation appears to significantly improve the employment prospects of team members.

Applications for the 2025 competition are now closed. 

Please continue to check this site for updates/application process for the 2026 round.



Please contact us If you have any questions.

Congratulations to our 2018 Jessup winners

UQ was victorious in the Jessup moot for the third time in 2018.  Read more about the 2018 champion team.

Endeavour Mobility Grant

The School of Law would like to acknowledge funding provided through the Australian Government Endeavour Mobility Grants Scheme in support of travel to international competitions in 2018.